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How do I stop being so jealous of other women? Im overweight and insecure and he looks at skinnier, hot chicks all the time...even when Im with him. I want to trust him and not be so damn jealous. :(

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Everyone looks. It's an instinct, it's human nature, whatever you want to call it. As long as he's not making comments all day or doing more than looking, it's no big deal. Unfortunately, and I hate to say this, but if he just looks, then you're the one with the problem. Insecurity sucks, but until you can deal with it, you'll always be jealous and worried.


What accomplishments do you have? Would you be more secure even if you were a perfect weight? And be honest here, because I know a lot of skinny, pretty girls who are insecure as hell. It has nothing to do with how you look and everything to do with what you think about yourself.

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Attraction is a natural thing and that in part is what makes us human.


Its what people do about their attraction that is the main concern.


You need to focus on what he does beyond looking specifically the thing he does with you and they way he makes you feel good inside.


You also need to focus on the good things you bring into his life, the things he recongizes and knows only you can provide him.


But I understand why you would be jealous. No one likes the though of their loved one leaving you for someone YOU think is better than you for him.


Just focus on your positives.


If all else fails you can always use my sister's line. "What makes you think you'd even have a shot with her, keep dreaming." :p

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Originally posted by kymberlee

I believe I would be.


If you truly believe that you would be more secure if you lost weight, then the burden is still on you, because only you can do it.


However, don't be surprised if you get there and find that your whole life doesn't drastically improve.

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Originally posted by Treasa



If you truly believe that you would be more secure if you lost weight, then the burden is still on you, because only you can do it.


However, don't be surprised if you get there and find that your whole life doesn't drastically improve.


Tru-that Sista!


excess weight is Easy to lose as compared to the ingrained insecurities glooming your thoughts.

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Originally posted by laRubiaBonita

Tru-that Sista!

excess weight is Easy to lose as compared to the ingrained insecurities glooming your thoughts.


amen to treasa and bonita...i agree completely..when your in a relationship its ok to be jealous, but dont be jealous for the wrong reason..." ooh i hate that girl cuz shes cuter than me, or oooh i hate that girl cuz shes skinnier than me,etc" if jealousy HAS to happen in a relationship let it be because hes a workaholic or some sort..dont let it be because of insecurities you have... as stated above by these wonderful ladies, if he just LOOKS at them and nothin more then thats ok...just because your in a relationship doesnt mean you stop lookin at other folks and thinkin their attractive...the time to be upset/jealous and whanot is if you and him are out he sees a nice lookin female and goes to ask her for her number...


everybody has their own ways of dealing with their insecurities, some are in denial, some actually try to work on it, some just live with it..its all up to you, being skinny doesnt make you sexier, i know plenty of beautiful PLUMP women who are confident in their skin and size...i would say best way to get over that jealousy is to be CONFIDENT in WHO Kymberlee is, and WHAT Kymberlee has to offer...


If ya feel insecure about ya size there is ways around that...you can go on a diet get a gym membership and get ya sexy on by workin out...go to a spa get pampered...get a makeover get dolled up..thatll help ya mind out...cant be jealous and feelin uneasy bout yaself when ya know ya look good..right ladies :D

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