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People are just bad

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So I think I have realized that people are pretty selfish. I am not saying that I am not at all. I was just in a relationship where I was cheated on. Instead of telling me about the cheating her reasons for breaking it off with me were because she wasn't happy. Which is true. I guess she wasn't happy for a while before the cheating and instead of breaking it off with me she stayed. Then she saw an opportunity, a light at the end of the tunnel and then became ready to break up. I do believe she was unhappy and I can be hot and cold sometimes, but while she was supposedly unhappy we were having a great time. Always hanging out, kissing, holding hands, sex, lauging a lot. I know she cheated but is it my fault in some sort of weird way? Should I have given her more? I thought that I was just being myself and if she is not happy with that, then I guess there is nothing more I could have done.


But my main point is that when people see an opportunity they become ready to break up. They don't split when they realize that they are unhappy and don't see anything better outside of the relationship. We are all just humans, being. I guess.

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Originally posted by semi

But my main point is that when people see an opportunity they become ready to break up. They don't split when they realize that they are unhappy and don't see anything better outside of the relationship. We are all just humans, being. I guess.


I think this is a bit of a jaded view. I caution you that I give you is, that if you truly begin to believe this, you are going to have alot of issues with future relationships.


The best thing you can do is not generalize, and focus that this was the case in this SPECIFIC relationship.


I won't deny SOME people are like this, but not everyone.

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