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Couch Dance....

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Couch Dance....

I have serious feelings for this young woman. I think I actually love her, we have been spending quality time together, although we have not yet slept together. THe problem is, all her relationships in the past ended terrible, and I don't want this to happen to us. If we get serious I don't want our friendship and bond to end.


She is intelligent, beautiful, wonderful, and one of the nicest human beings i have ever met in my life. The big problem is our families will not approve of this relationship. I do love her, and I think she loves me, it's just that we've known each other for about 12 years.


The worst part is that she lives with me, so i see her all the time and she sees me. If things don't work out, it would turn into a bad situation. You see, this young woman is my step sister.


Is there anything wrong with being in love with your step sister or is this just toooo freaky.....


Confused Happy man....

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You have not said anything about what type of relationship you currently have with your step-sister. You said you have not had sex with her, but you "think" she loves you. Saying you THINK she loves you means either you have not talked to her about this at all OR you have talked about it but she is not sure what she feels. Which is the case?


You also did not mention your age or her age. This could be important.


This is a rather complicated situation. I'm sure there are many other women in your vicinity that could be your girlfriend. I think you should consider trying to find someone else to fall in love with.

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I have to agree with Ed. You should find someone else.


You have known your step-sister for 12 years, and you are sure she loves you. But the love she may have for you is that for a step-brother and nothing else. If you have been raised together, no matter that you do not have the same parents, there's a familial emotional bond.


If you ask her, and she loves you only as a brother (or step-brother), will you be able to live together? How will your family and friends take your relationship? Can you deal with that pressure?


Also, the fact that you two live together should be a deterrant for any feelings other than just family/ friends.


Be careful.

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I see nothing wrong at all. There is no blood relation. You obviously know her very well and circumstances brought you together and the two of you got to know each other very well.


Your relatives will just have to come to terms with this. While it's a little odd and most prudent people would have worked to prevent such a union, there is no reason whatsoever why the two of you can't live happily forevermore.


So enjoy your relationship and if you don't get the blessings of others, to hell with them. You really ought to have a good discussion with her...that if things don't work out, it won't screw up your relationship as step brother and step sister.


I personally know of several people who have had excellent marriages with cousins. Love doesn't seem to discriminate nearly as much as nosey relatives.

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