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dont know what to think

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This guy that Ive been hanging out with for awhile, used to call me every day no matter what time of day it was. Basically we talked to each other every day. But recently he hasent called me, and when I call him and leave a message he usually doesnt return my phone calls or he will complain that I call him to much WHich I dont I call him once a day, and if I dont hear from him I will page him. I like this guy alot and I know he is going threw alot right now, his fiance broke up with him a year ago this week. He hasent told me, but I remember when we first met. I dont know what to do, cause I know if I dont call him, he wont call me and that kills me. I am use to talking to him every day. I thought I was giving him space by not calling him all the time, but it just pissed me off, of why he cant call just to say hi, or hell say Ill call you back and never does.

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You need to forget this guy. He doesn't care about you the way you care about him. If you don't call him too much, and he says you DO, he is not interested in even being a friend.


He probably has a girl (or girls) on the side.


You're not going to change his mind by calling him, so stop calling him, and do what you can for yourself (hobby, hanging out with other friends, etc.) to forget this guy.


Keep yourself busy and AWAY from him.


Yes, he may come around. It's a long shot. But that time, you will have found someone who will treat you RIGHT!


Good luck.

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It's very wrong to expect or demand that anybody do anything. You cannot demand that this man communicate with you with any particular frequency.


Friendships have to be two-way or they just won't make it. This relationship seems to have gotten very lopsided and uneven.


If I were you, I would just plain stop calling him...forever. If he calls you, talk to him. If he doesn't, fine. There is just no good sense in pursuing any kind of relationship with someone who doesn't want to be bothered or who is not interested. If you keep up what you're doing, he will grow to resent it. You will become nothing but a nuisance and an annoyance to him, if you haven't already.


You need to learn that a lot of people do what they do for specific reasons of need. When he was calling you every day, there was some emotional or other reason he needed to do so. That reason obviously exists no longer.


You need to find friends who want to talk to you and be with you but NEVER demand or expect them to call you with any particular frequency and they will be a lot more fond of you.

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