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Seriously - no paybacks... ??

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As a matter of question - and this goes mainly to the men on the forum, but please, women feel free to tell me your feelings:


Do men truly seek to help a woman without having an ulterior motive?


In other words, if you do something for a woman/girl - even though you say you don't want anything in return - do you honestly not want anything in return?

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That question is very subjective.


Its like asking are all car salesmen underhanded?


Speaking for myself I am genuine, but a friend of mine is not.

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Well I'm not a Guy BUT I can say I've a few Male Friends that have helped me out with different things and I never felt they wanted something more.. again as the other poster has said I suppose it is subjective to the person in question...


But yeah.. I have some great Male Friends that have helped me out because we are friends and didn't expect "Pay back"

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Most men only do things for women in hopes that they'll see how helpful/cool/funny/understanding they are and sleep with them.


If you don't, though, most men don't hold it against you, either.


I have helped women and didn't expect any 'payback" but I wouldn't have turned it down if it was offered. That's about as chivalrous as I've ever been...

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