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is my mom right?

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My mom keeps telling me to see more guys...


I have only had one boyfriend, we've been together for the past year...


my mom says i can't know if he's the one for me without experiencing stuff with other people... she also says it's bad that i'm his first long-term girlfriend also...


I don't know what to think... I wish I met this guy later, after I was done "shopping around" ... but I also don't want to "shop around" right now b/c it might ruin what I have...


Any comments??


Also, a funny thing... (also talking to my mother, i'm 19 by the way) ... I said I'm not having sex with anyone until i graduate and it's reasonable to take the risk of having a baby... she was like OMG that's so unhealthy, use condoms, etc...


what do you guys say?... no, i'm not religious... i'm just always afraid of pregnancy b/c i wouldn't know what to do with the baby until I have a job & all...


am I really not risky enough in my life??


Any comments would be appreciated


(I realize the final decision is still mine)

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Your mother's concerns are based on her years of experience in the world. However, you are old enough and free to take her advice or forget it.


In matters of love, you have to go with your heart. If you really care about the guy you're seeing now, I wouldn't just up and leave him because your mother wants you to shop around for the right guy. Take your time. If at some point in the future you feel there is someone out there who may be better for you, then go for it.


As far as having sex, you are very correct to watch out for getting pregnant. But I truly hope that if and when that happens, the father is a caring and loving man who will be by your side throughout your pregnancy and during the raising of your child. I think that's kind of the way it's supposed to happen.


Have respect for your mother and what she tells you. She speaks from experience...but you are the one who has to live your life and make your own mistakes...just like your mother did.

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The part i was mostly ??? with was that she said there isn't any need to break up with him... simply go out with others as well... if it ever gets serious w/ one of the "others", tell him...


what do u say?...

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Yes, if it ever gets serious with others...by all means do tell him. Yes, of course. A great idea. A matter of honesty!!!

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