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Elaboration on Seriously... No Paybacks....???

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I should have elaborated on the Seriously... No Paybacks post..


Here's his response:


In due time, you will repay me in kind. Nothing material needed.


Here's my initial email:


Okay, so here's the thing: the apples were a fluke. I knew that you liked

them - had a hunch you would like them better than a box of chocolates.


Any suggestions on an appropriate Thank You?


Quick background - he's a Bushie who helped a Democrat (me) build some forms for my local Young Democrat web site...


That's what I was thanking him for... The apples were a Thank You for the first set of forms... he gave me a hug after I gave them to him...

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Any suggestions on an appropriate Thank You?



I don't understand your post. You thanked him by giving him the apples and he replied that nothing material is needed. His this a friendship or are you wishing it to be more? Do you want him to feel something more for you and you are trying to find a way to tell him?

Sorry , didn't see your other post.



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Originally posted by drgnflybethany

he's a Bushie ...


'Nough said....Run like the wind!!! ;)

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