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Somebody slap me!

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Somebody slap me!



I gave into my no contact stance.



Had been about 3 months NC and today i snet an email saying how u been etc nothing to full on, just a basic hello.



I know i wont get a reply but i stil did it i an need electric shock collar to zap me. :rolleyes:

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Consider yourself *slapped*



Although I didn't think you did anything too bad - it was 3 months, not 3 days, not 3 hours.


The only person you've let down is yourself so hopefully you've learnt your lesson young man.

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At least you went three months with NC! That's d*mn good! It's been 10 days for me, and I'm going nuts. :o

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Thanks for the double slap!


I needed it Im thinkin of rigging an electric shock thing up to my brain so when any thoughts occur i receive an electric shock :p

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Now what fun would that be? You know you can't stop the thoughts... but you can stop the actions.


Everytime you go to call or email - just do something else... clean out the fridge, go for a jog, bake a cake - anything!!! Or for a real challenge, you could study this weeks tips for me!!!!

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Originally posted by AndrewJ

how did my tips go :p

Im no nostradamous :D


One out of the two - the Saints let us down.

Its the full 8 games this week, so start studying Nostradamus!


I'll PM you the fixtures if you like!?

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Originally posted by miss-gonewest

Although I didn't think you did anything too bad - it was 3 months, not 3 days, not 3 hours.


Or three minutes!! :laugh:


Three months is amazing. Absolutely, utterly amazing. Don't forget that. You're only human, anyway. The point is, you did try very hard to get where you are now, and the only thing you can do is climb that hill again.


I changed my ex's name in my cell phone to "Don't Be Stupid." Now I just need to be zapped as well if I try to dial him from home.


I found the NBA playoffs to be an excellent distraction from my problems, and now they're over! Is it time for football yet?!?

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Originally posted by Fallen_Angel

I changed my ex's name in my cell phone to "Don't Be Stupid." Now I just need to be zapped as well if I try to dial him from home.


What a great idea - I am going to do exactly the same!!!! Especially for when I read all those lovely text messages he sent me.... Thanks FA

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You are quite welcome!!! :)


I STILL have text messages from my ex. I can't bring myself to delete them. One of the messages is now a YEAR old!!!


What really gets me is he sent me a text message a mere two weeks before he dumped me saying "Love you" followed by his pet name for me, and he didn't really ever send messages out of the blue. Grrrr. :mad: And he called last night...after 10 minutes he was all "Ok, I gotta go now" and hung up real fast, as though he was rushing off the phone to avoid a potential emotional outburst from yours truly. Well, I used to work in insurance, so I'll put it like this...he is 100% liable for my tears!


(Sorry to go off on a tangent on your thread, Andrew...I know most people look down on such things! I sure hope you're amassing more hours/days of NC. It's so worth it.)

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Oh FA, sorry you had to hear from him....

It just sets the rollercoaster in motion again doesn't it? I am so hoping never to hear from my ex again...!


But AndyJ - did you get a response to your email???


Let us know if you do hear from her!

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lol-I chnaged my exes name to NO NO NO NO NO...so when it rings I just have to laugh! I thought I was the only one who did that! But I am guilty of keeping old text msgs. Just cannot delete them.

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I never kept any emials, texts gifts etc thye a;; wnt out the window so to speak.


I didnt get a reply to my email I spose I never will , thats her bad luckany way !


Met a cool lil chick last night but she may be too young shes 20 im 27. Too big an age difference?

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Originally posted by Fallen_Angel

You are quite welcome!!! :)


I STILL have text messages from my ex. I can't bring myself to delete them. One of the messages is now a YEAR old!!!


What really gets me is he sent me a text message a mere two weeks before he dumped me saying "Love you" followed by his pet name for me, and he didn't really ever send messages out of the blue. Grrrr. :mad: And he called last night...after 10 minutes he was all "Ok, I gotta go now" and hung up real fast, as though he was rushing off the phone to avoid a potential emotional outburst from yours truly. Well, I used to work in insurance, so I'll put it like this...he is 100% liable for my tears!


(Sorry to go off on a tangent on your thread, Andrew...I know most people look down on such things! I sure hope you're amassing more hours/days of NC. It's so worth it.)


I've kept text messages my ex sent me, about 5 months old. We are just friends now, but I can't bare to part with those lovey messages. I think it gives me a good feeling to know that at least I WAS loved.



Andrew, I am new so I don't know your story, but I don't see what is wrong with sending a "hello" message. I sent an e-mail to another ex a couple of weeks ago after about a year of no contact and surprisingly he DID respond. We now talk on a friendly basis quite regularly. I still feel some kind of spark with/for him, but he is now married with a baby due so I am just happy for the contact and to know he has at least found himself happiness.

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Originally posted by AndrewJ

Met a cool lil chick last night but she may be too young shes 20 im 27. Too big an age difference?



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Originally posted by AndrewJ

Met a cool lil chick last night but she may be too young shes 20 im 27. Too big an age difference?



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Originally posted by AndrewJ

Met a cool lil chick last night but she may be too young shes 20 im 27. Too big an age difference?


No :)

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I think it really depends on the people. Some 20 year olds are as mature as 30, some still act like they're 15.


Females (as a general rule) mature more quickly than males, so she may be at the same level as Andrew. Only he can decide if she's too immature for him or not, I guess.

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AndyJ, I think you may be alright... where'd you meet her?


I'd say 20 is fine, unless of course she was out with a group of 18 year old friends; then I'd tell you to move on. If she has a mixed group of friends, then go for it!


Besides, let her decide if you are too old - she'll soon let you know if she thinks you're a dirty old perv!


Good on you mate, I'm glad you've had a win.

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This girl seems a lot older than the body she wears.


However Im just going to do what is right for me couldnt bera another heart break :rolleyes:


Just been nutting it out all night transcribing fleetwood mac songs stevie nicks is one of a kind!


Im hearing cars go by and forming chords from the pitch of their engines ......I ma entering the matrix...............................OH NO i think im going MAD :D

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Oooo...I love Stevie Nicks. My favorite song of hers is Candlebright. Fleetwood Mac is perfect to listen to when you're in break-up mode -- like Silver Spring:


I'll follow you down 'til the sound

Of my voice will haunt you

You'll never get away from the sound

Of the woman that loves you

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I also really like "Love's a Hard Game to Play."


Glad to hear you're just going with the flow, Andrew. I agree that sometimes a person can seem a lot older than they really are. One of my close friends is only a year older than my sister, but if you met both of them you'd think my friend was SEVERAL years older than she is!


I don't think you're going mad. You're occupying your mind and your time with other things, which is fantastic! Keep it up!

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Hello peoples ,


Is there such a thinga s being psychic.



As in last night i wnet out and knew that i would run into a few people thta i hadnt seen for years.



I did and eded sharing a bed with a girl I knew i would meet up with.



It was weird cause we did not have sex we just held each other to keep warm.


I think intercourse would have screwed up the freindship.


But i think she wanted more.



Anyway whta night my lil head hurts today :bunny:

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