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blowjobs and relationships


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Ok.....so there's 2 things I need advice on...the first is my ex-boyfriend...I would want to date him again, but he's too inaffectionate. He's not a big "public affection" kinda guy...and hes semi-affectionate at home...is there any way to make him more affectionate? Another problem we have is our communication. Is there any way to have him open up to me more? I've tried talking to him about ALL this...but it never realy helps...is he a lost cause? and the second thing...(sorry this is really long...) he's been wanting me to give him head...(I should mention here that we only broke up at the time because of inconvienence, so when we have time, we hang out and fool around...yea, I know....not the best thing psychologically speaking...anyway...I've read up on giving head....but I wanted to get a more real-life kind of advice/instruction on it....so if anyone is willing to help me out with these problems, I;d be very thankful:)

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First, you said:


"my ex-boyfriend...I would want to date him again, but he's too inaffectionate." and "Another problem we have is our communication."


You obviously want someone who is more affectionate and will communicate with you better. Well, he is probably not the one. You have tried and he did not respond in the way you wanted. I don't think speaking to him through his microphone will help things, any, at all.


Forget the blowjob on this guy for now and save your microphone practice for someone who will listen AND respond.

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Your ex-boyfriend! I didn't even notice the "ex" part until after I read Ed's reply.


He's your ex! Forget about him. Go out and date other guys. Find a boyfriend who will give you everything you want--an affectionate guy, someone that will communicate with you. But forget about trying to make things work out with your ex. Stop fooling around with him. Do not perform oral sex on him in order to get him to be more affectionate or a better communicator. It never happens that way, and it won't.

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