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Prostitution should be legalized because even in countries where it is not legal, there are prostitutes, and where it is legal, at least they get checked for STD's. I have visited a few prostitutes while in Amsterdam, simply because they were very beautiful and could not pass up the ocassion. And I was single at that time, so what did I have to lose, but few hundred Dutch Guilders. Well, I would not go to a prostitute here in the States, but over there, it is like tasting a bit of Dutch culture. Smoking the weed and getting a quickie in the RLD (Red Light District) is a lot of fun, a lot of guys would agree with me.

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Prostitution is legal and regulated in Nevada.


Prostitution in a legal form, in my opinion, is probably the next step in the demoralization of America. Television has shown us every perverted, sickening social contortion that human vermin can engage in. So I guess we may as well have women selling their booty to men who see them as sexual comodities for their immediate gratification.


I don't favor prostitution because it brings with it so very many other complications and problems. There is simply no way to regulate it in such a way that diseases such as AIDS cannot be spread from a client to a prostitute right after the prositute has received her examination.


Do you legalize murder since people are going to kill people anyway? Do you legalize robbery since people are going to hold up banks anyway? Even though prostitution will always be, I see no reason to legalize it just because it's going to exist anyway.


A society that gradually decays morally is on a collision course with total collapse and history has shown that. We are now a nation where our president gets blowjobs from interns in his office. I really think we should be thinking about how we can strengthen our moral fiber as a matter of self preservation rather than further weaken it.


If you must have a prostitute, buy a ticket to Las Vegas...or better yet, take a free junket and have one of the resort hotels pay your way. The ladies of the night out there look pretty nice. Let's keep them there.


Meanwhile, if you think prostitution isn't rampant all over the United States, go to your favorite search engine and enter: "escort service" They are in every town and there are thousands of websites featuring pictures, measurements, experience, hourly and overnight prices, etc. Frankly, I think it's a tragedy that women have to degrade themselves this way...but it seems they make a pretty good living putting their lives in danger like that. To each his own.

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i think prostituton and drugs should be legal. but it should be illegal to sell either one w/out a document stating it's health/purity&quality. I also think it should be illegal to advertise any of it.


Just my opinion ...


(ya i know a black market of those documents would start up immediately... but what can u do ... there's always negative sides)

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Maybe prostitution would be OK if you could get a doctor's prescription for one??? Whatcha think???


A good roll in the hay can cure a lot of ills.

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