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Wow....ok, this one's a little confusing


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Ok guys, this one's a bit confusing. Sorry in advance!Where to begin? Ok, well I have this friend who's a guy. We used to be really close, then he started asking me out all the time. I realized that I could never like him as more than a good friend, and I told him as much. However, he would not stop believing that I would one day fall maddly in love with him. (By the way, I work with this guy). Anyway, while all this is going on, I start talking to this other guy at work. The next thing I know, we're making out, then we were "Seeing each other". I don't have very much time for a serious relationship right now, and he knew that, and we agreed to see each other when ever we could, but that was it. Nothing too seriuos. However, i didn't want my friend to find out about this relationship, as I was afraid he would become upset, and we would lose the friendship. The secret was not kept for long, and soon after every person that I worked with knew about "us", and the rumors started to circulate. As I had expected, my "friend" became very upset by this, so I told the guy that I was seeing that I thought we shouldn't see each other for a while. I know that it was a horrible thing to do, and now I don't know whether or not I've made a huge mistake. Now here's where it gets really confusing. During all of this I became very close to one of my managers. We became very good friends, and he helped me to stop my other friend from being so obsessive about me. Anyway.....(I know, I'm sorry, almost done) there's now a new problem. I think I've fallen in love with this close friend (the manager). He is perfect. I've never been so happy as when I'm talking to him. And lately he's been hinting that he may have feelings for me too. The complicated part is that he is currently seeing (they are in a serious relationship) a very good friend of mine, and he is also 5 years older than I am. What do I do???????????

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YOU ASK: "What do I do???????????"


Stop seeing people at work...I mean everybody...co-workers, managers, suppliers, delivery people, mailmen, repairmen...DON'T SEE ANYBODY THAT YOU CAN POSSIBLY WORK WITH.


Now, if I hadn't told you...how long would it have taken you to figure that out?


Also, I suggest you write a short synopsis of this whole situation and send it to Paramount Television. It could make an excellent Movie Of The Week...or maybe even a comedy series. You might even be able to retire on the money you make from those ventures.


Good luck!!!

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I'm with Tony here, don't date your co workers! Never a good idea. I understand that it is an easy place to meet people because we spend so much time at work, but make the time to look elsewhere for your romance. AND, how can you as a woman even consider becoming involved with your good friends boy friend!? You must know how very not okay that is! Find someone else, start new, and make sure that they work at a totaly different place!

Ok guys, this one's a bit confusing. Sorry in advance!Where to begin? Ok, well I have this friend who's a guy. We used to be really close, then he started asking me out all the time. I realized that I could never like him as more than a good friend, and I told him as much. However, he would not stop believing that I would one day fall maddly in love with him. (By the way, I work with this guy). Anyway, while all this is going on, I start talking to this other guy at work. The next thing I know, we're making out, then we were "Seeing each other". I don't have very much time for a serious relationship right now, and he knew that, and we agreed to see each other when ever we could, but that was it. Nothing too seriuos. However, i didn't want my friend to find out about this relationship, as I was afraid he would become upset, and we would lose the friendship. The secret was not kept for long, and soon after every person that I worked with knew about "us", and the rumors started to circulate. As I had expected, my "friend" became very upset by this, so I told the guy that I was seeing that I thought we shouldn't see each other for a while. I know that it was a horrible thing to do, and now I don't know whether or not I've made a huge mistake. Now here's where it gets really confusing. During all of this I became very close to one of my managers. We became very good friends, and he helped me to stop my other friend from being so obsessive about me. Anyway.....(I know, I'm sorry, almost done) there's now a new problem. I think I've fallen in love with this close friend (the manager). He is perfect. I've never been so happy as when I'm talking to him. And lately he's been hinting that he may have feelings for me too. The complicated part is that he is currently seeing (they are in a serious relationship) a very good friend of mine, and he is also 5 years older than I am. What do I do???????????
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...it's worth repeating:


Don't get involved with guys at work.


Don't get involved with guys your friends are dating.


Don't get involved with two guys at one time if you don't have the time for a serious relationship with one.


Don't let your guy friend get involved in this mess. If your friend likes even though you don't feel the same way, clearly and firmly tell him that you like him as a friend, but if he's going to have a problem with you dating other guys, then you both will be better off not being friends any longer.

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