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Does She Like Me Or Not?

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I'm trying to get a gauge as to whether or not a friend of my wife is in to me, or if I'm just overanalyzing things.


She's in decent shape and I'm pretty close to average as well. We both seem to have some common interests as well.


This girl has done a few things lately that make me wonder.


First off, a while back she described a photo of me looking at the camera as having a "come hither" look. That was an immediate turn-on and had me wondering.


Secondly, she likes things that I post on Facebook every so often. This is stuff that no one else likes and she will even give an opinion on something I post when no one else does.


Lastly, we were having dinner with her and her hubby a while ago, and she started to talk about us all going on a cruise together. She went on to mention something about how she likes to eat (just like me) and how her husband and my wife could go off somewhere while she and I could stay on the ship and enjoy all the food. My wife and her hubby didn't respond. I immediately played stupid and said something like "I hear the food is really good on those cruises."


Was her comment just a veiled invitation of future intimacy? I would really like to think so, but who knows? And the Facebook stuff and comment just have me thinking it's all a little too coincidental, but then again, I could be completely off-base here.


If she does indeed like me, how should I proceed?


Any feedback on this would be appreciated.

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She did painfully obvious suggestion for you guys to have alone time infront of your spouses? Wow..


Anyway yes she kinda sounds she is interested in you. Maybe just sexual but still you peaked her interest.


Instead of asking how you should proceed ask yourself do you want this? Do you want to have sexual connection or something else with that person? Do you want to cheat to your spouse and her to cheat on hers? You didn't made that clear in your post.

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She doesn't sound overly interested, beyond befriending you.


You should nothing if you indeed find out she's interested. You're married and so is she.

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