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Is this borderline abuse?

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Is this borderline abuse?

Okay, my husband got really angry with me a few nights ago when he asked me who killed Jesus Christ. I told him the Romans did it, and he got really mad and said I was really stupid and didn't know anything. (he has a doctorate in theology). I told him it was partially the fault of Pontiuas Pilate who was Roman. Again, my husband got really mad and said "It was the Jews!"


"Okay now you go Jew bashing," I commented under my breathe.


Then he got really mad and threw a bible in front of me and demanded that I read a section on Jesus' death. I told him I didn't want to read it right then, and I would read it later because I was in the middle of reading the newspaper.


He threw the paper down and told me not to read crap like that if I didn't understand the most famous book in the world.


He got so mad that he hurt my hand when taking the paper away. I got mad back and then he lost his temper even more and kicked me. I left the room and told him I didn't want anything more to do with him that night.


Things are okay now, but he never stops nagging me, telling me to clean up my mess, do this, do that...It is endless. Sometimes I just want to punch him in the face I get so mad.


Is he abusive?

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YOU ASK: "Is he abusive?"


Not only is he abusive, he's insane. So he has a doctorate is theology...he needs to go back and get a Ph.D in manners, kindness, consideration and human relations. He gets a big "F" on those in my book.


So you married this dude, uh? I guess he wasn't always this way. You may have just made a mistake here. The guy is a taco short of a combination platter.


It sounds like he may be under a lot of stress. Anybody who would blow a fuse because you didn't know who killed Jesus Christ, a murder which took place almost some 2,000 years ago, is several cards short of a full deck.


The next time he asks you a question like that, tell him you'll gladly answer but, beforehand, he's got to give you the fourth and fifth laws of thermodynamics.


Get this dude some counselling if he doesn't cool his jets.

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Okay, my husband got really angry with me a few nights ago when he asked me who killed Jesus Christ. I told him the Romans did it, and he got really mad and said I was really stupid and didn't know anything. (he has a doctorate in theology). I told him it was partially the fault of Pontiuas Pilate who was Roman. Again, my husband got really mad and said "It was the Jews!" "Okay now you go Jew bashing," I commented under my breathe. Then he got really mad and threw a bible in front of me and demanded that I read a section on Jesus' death. I told him I didn't want to read it right then, and I would read it later because I was in the middle of reading the newspaper.


He threw the paper down and told me not to read crap like that if I didn't understand the most famous book in the world. He got so mad that he hurt my hand when taking the paper away. I got mad back and then he lost his temper even more and kicked me. I left the room and told him I didn't want anything more to do with him that night. Things are okay now, but he never stops nagging me, telling me to clean up my mess, do this, do that...It is endless. Sometimes I just want to punch him in the face I get so mad. Is he abusive?

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At first, I thought this post was a joke. It sounded so ridiculous. But I totally agree with Tony.


This guy is WEIRD!! If you want to make this marriage work out, both you and your husband should seek professional counseling VERY soon. He sounds NUTS!

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