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Wife got part in movie but requires sex scene

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You not giving us anything to work with?


You dont agree with it or you do?


Because our opinion dont matter. She and you will have to live with it what ever it

will mean after people start watching it.


Like someone said: a responsible husband and mom would know what to do.

And this shouldn't be even a question. Dont let the money she will get with this fool you or lower your moral.


Beside if its not porn, as far as i know other movies wont let you have real sex.

Also private parts will be covert with duck-tape.So are you sure this is a decent director and not porn ?

But still she will be nude and filmed and for the whole world to see later on.

And once you have kids, its not about what you like anymore. You have to think for 3!

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No way I would every go along with that. I don't care if its for a movie or not. Its your call but there is no way I would go along with it. I would tell her if she does it to not bother coming back.


I can understand supporting her but that is just to far.




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If your wife is going to be in Germany having real sex with various actors - and I am assuming both male and female, and she tells you that she really, really wants to do it, then I would have to ask her just what are her limits? How about a snuff film? Bestiality? Necrophilia? If it were my wife and she still insists on getting her start in acting by doing such things, then I would also tell her that she can also start looking for another husband. I will also be having un-simulated sex with various young, sexy, college age girls while she is gone. How would she feel about that?


Seriously, this is why I would never date an actress... because even in simulated sex, who is it that is pulling the other actors pubic hairs out from between their teeth, her, or her character? :o

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If he's a well-known director then he has money to spend on CGI.



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Cali....two questions


1.What are your thoughts about your wife "wanting" to do this if indeed this includes actual sex including intercourse. (If it were my, i am not sure I'd have the stomach for even oral or any other type of actual sex acts of any kind).


2. Can you describe or ask your wife and relay it to us, what is her value system regarding this. i.e. is her desire to get into acting worth infidelity with her family?


This would be indicative of where your M is....at this rate, would you be comfortable with her going to Germany alone for three months even if she "promised" there would be real sex acts????

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