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Tony, I need some advice.

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Could you please give me some insight on the message i posted "Can somebody please help me?" dated Tuesday, 17 April 2001, at 11:46 p.m.


Here's some additional question aside from those in the message, what should I do next, should I bring up the topic again or just let it be? How will I know if it's going to happen?


Thanks alot.

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I'm sorry. I read your questions and did not fully understand them. It seems several people have answered you and I'm sure they're responses are sufficient.


I don't feel very comfortable aswering questions about pressing a female for sex. I always feel if that doesn't happen in the context of a loving moment and you are so horney you have to keep asking, you should go date someone else.


I don't feel women should be pressed to give their bodies if they don't want to.


I'm not saying that's what you did. I really did not fully understand what happened to I did not and am not wanting to reply to your specific post. Again, you got some good responses from people who obviously did understand.

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