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My boyfriend's ex is still in the picture.What do i do

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So basically my boyfriend and I have just started dating, we've been friends forever but stopped staying in touch until recently. We've only officially began dating about a week or so ago and things are amazing. Except for one thing. Him and his ex girlfriend broke up a little over a month ago because she cheated on him and they just weren't very good together, they were friends before they began dating as well so I assumed they would continue being friends afterwards. However, my boyfriend always tells me about how bad she is and how she's so rude and always super immature so because of what he said about her I didn't think they were friends anymore. Until I was over at his house and realized she keeps messaging him! I'm not the jealous type at all but i just don't know why he would want to still talk to her from what he says about her. And the i find out that she hates me for no reason and she posts things online mocking me and our relationship. How do i deal with this??? Im 16, turning 17 btw. PLEASE HELP. Like should my boyfriend step up and do something cause I've done nothing for this girl to hate me and her friends aren't too fond of me either.

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They just broke up a month ago? And you both just started dating? Run. I don't think it's quite over with them.

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When you started dating him he had just broken up with his ex. Of course he spoke bad about her they were just broken up and in a fight. Now a few weeks have gone by they are not mad at each other anymore and probably still love each other. He will go back to her soon I can assure you.


Time to break up.


Always remember to not date guy just out of relationships.

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Sorry OP, but this very likely isn't going to end well for you.


He's barely out of his previous relationship and is still in communication with her. That is trouble brewing already.


I would let him go.

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