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After 4 dates, my lady friend told me she wants to take it slow

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I've been seeing a girl lately -- we're in our early dating stages. We have a dinner date set for next weekend, but she texted me yesterday asking if I had plans for the 4th of July. I said no definite plans yet, how about you? She said same, but that she would love to go see fireworks. She didn't say "with you" but come on, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know when a girl you're seeing initiates a text with you and tells you she's got no plans but wants to go see fireworks that it's essentially an open invite.


So I texted her a place and said we should go check it out -- it looks pretty cool. She told me the obligatory "sounds good!" with a smiley face. She also threw in "There's a little coffee house nearby. Maybe we can go there before?"


I replied "Sure. What time should I pick you up?"


"Does 6 work?"


"Works for me. See you then."




Man, it's almost too easy/simple! What a refreshing change from other girls I've dated or tried to date where I would call up friends (and post on LS) asking for advice and OMG what should I do here, what should I do there, what should I do if she says this, or says that... this girl I'm seeing right now is simply opening the door for me (figuratively), and I'm just walking through. This is honestly refreshingly uncomplicated. There has been like, zero mind games so far. Quite frankly, it's all kinds of awesome. ALL KINDS.


Having said that, should I bring a blanket to the fireworks show? LOL. We do have seats but I'm not sure how cold it may get. I don't think I have one of those nice fleece blankets. I have regular "bed blankets" and that would be quite ghetto to bring, lol. Should I pick up a fleece blanket tomorrow afternoon?


And, for the posters living in the US, what do you have brewing tomorrow night with your significant other?

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A blanket isn't a bad idea, just in case it is cool or the seats are hard.


But, Yea! A man who picks up on the cues being handed to him!

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I've been seeing a girl lately -- we're in our early dating stages. We have a dinner date set for next weekend, but she texted me yesterday asking if I had plans for the 4th of July. I said no definite plans yet, how about you? She said same, but that she would love to go see fireworks. She didn't say "with you" but come on, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know when a girl you're seeing initiates a text with you and tells you she's got no plans but wants to go see fireworks that it's essentially an open invite.


So I texted her a place and said we should go check it out -- it looks pretty cool. She told me the obligatory "sounds good!" with a smiley face. She also threw in "There's a little coffee house nearby. Maybe we can go there before?"


I replied "Sure. What time should I pick you up?"


"Does 6 work?"


"Works for me. See you then."




Man, it's almost too easy/simple! What a refreshing change from other girls I've dated or tried to date where I would call up friends (and post on LS) asking for advice and OMG what should I do here, what should I do there, what should I do if she says this, or says that... this girl I'm seeing right now is simply opening the door for me (figuratively), and I'm just walking through. This is honestly refreshingly uncomplicated. There has been like, zero mind games so far. Quite frankly, it's all kinds of awesome. ALL KINDS.


Having said that, should I bring a blanket to the fireworks show? LOL. We do have seats but I'm not sure how cold it may get. I don't think I have one of those nice fleece blankets. I have regular "bed blankets" and that would be quite ghetto to bring, lol. Should I pick up a fleece blanket tomorrow afternoon?


And, for the posters living in the US, what do you have brewing tomorrow night with your significant other?


Three words:







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Yeah, get a fleece blanket. I would also throw together a few snacks and drinks in a picnic basket and take some board games. You're generally hanging out for a couple of hours before it's dark enough for fireworks to start.

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A blanket isn't a bad idea, just in case it is cool or the seats are hard.


But, Yea! A man who picks up on the cues being handed to him!


And a woman who takes inititive!

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This sounds like a very typical discussion between myself and the man I am dating. He keeps telling me that I'm so "normal" - which I'm trying to believe is a compliment ... ;)


I hope you had a great time on your date!

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A man who picks up on the cues being handed to him!


Heh, thanks. But trust me, I'm still learning (the second you think you got it all figured out is the second you fixin' to eat humble pie). It took me many years to be able to read female cues even halfway adequately. I've gone through so many crushes that I was deep in the friend zone with, before ultimately confessing which led to the awkward "Oh Tek I just see you as a good friend" speech. Ugh. But all those years were not for naught. Every experience has led me to this moment. Maybe because of those years I toiled and slowly learned through trial and error that I'm now better equipped to understand and communicate effectively with a woman who actually shows interest.


Lots of bumps in the road, and I'm sure many more to come. It's all about how you handle things (both good and bad) that makes the difference.


Three words:








Haha. Believe it or not her dad wanted me to marry her EVEN BEFORE he ever met me or saw a photo! My dad and her dad are good friends. It's not an arranged marriage, but it was a set up of the parents. We just happened to actually like each other (at least, enough to be dating so far). It's way too soon to even think marriage, but so far I'm seeing certain qualities that I would like in a future wife.


This sounds like a very typical discussion between myself and the man I am dating. He keeps telling me that I'm so "normal" - which I'm trying to believe is a compliment ... ;)


I hope you had a great time on your date!


Thanks, and yeah, isn't it awesome when communication is simple, clear and efficient? One thing I've learned over the years is to stop over texting. Oh man, was I ever the king of over texting even as short as 3-4 months ago. When I like a girl, I start texting them like crazy. "Hey what you up to?" or I'll see a picture, snapshot it and send it to her. Or hear a lyric and text it to her. Goodness gracious. Looking back, I cringe at my former texting behavior. Talk about killing attraction level. Currently, I'm only texting her as necessary, and saving the conversations for face to face dates/outings. That way you have stuff to talk about!


Hmm, I'm glad I learned because had we met a year earlier, I might have blown it with my neediness! Live and learn -- ain't it great?

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Overall, it went really well! However...


I'm not sure if I blew some opportunities though, but overall I'd say the date went well. And I would be surprised if she doesn't view me with those "potential romantic partner" goggles. Although, I guess one can never say 100% for certain until certain actions are taken, so I'll also try to not get too overly confident that she's absolutely into me. But the signs so far are good.


So this was our 3rd meeting, but really our 2nd date. First meeting involved the parents (I know, I know, long story short -- it's not an arranged marriage but it's a "let's see what happens but we're hoping you two will marry" situation).


So I picked her up. We went out for tea. I paid for that.


Then we went to a fair. We bought some snacks. I paid for that.


We went to the fireworks arena. A clown greeted us and said, "Is that your date?"


I looked back at her, she smiled and I said "Yes."


He goes, "Well are you going to pay for her?"


"Of course."


"That's what I'm talking about! Now you go pay and I'll talk to her -- she's a lot cuter than you."


LOL. Funny clown. (BTW, he was pushing 55-60 years old... doubt I feel the same if he were 25-30 and said all that lol).


I brought a beach towel and she ended up using it because her arms were cold. We got two snacks which we shared with two spoons. One was a drink slushy item with two spoons and we also shared a funnel cake with two spoons. Very boyfriend-girlfriend-y.


After we finished, we had about 30 minutes to kill before they set off the fireworks. I took out my phone and we played this little app game called "Conundrums." It basically asks you "Would you rather" and gives you two choices. This was fun because it gave us a natural outlet to put ourselves in interesting or even awkward positions, and see how we felt. Some situations were realistic and some were not. The highlight came when this question popped up, and no, I didn't plan this.


Would you rather have sex in a sex swing or sex with no gravity? We both laughed. No, I won't tell you what she answered (lol).


By the time the game ended, the show was about to begin. Perfect timing.


Here's where I question if I "messed up."


The mood was definitely leaning toward romantic, and I was wondering if I should put my arm around her shoulder (her shoulder was covered by my beach towel) or if I should ask her if it's OK if we share the blanket. But I decided to be a complete gentleman and not wanting her to feel uncomfortable in the least, I didn't try any of that. It wasn't (too) cold anyway, so I sat there sans beach towel. We had a good time, but I kind of wish in hindsight that I did one of those options, as it would have been really assertive and shown her directly my interest in her beyond something platonic. Although, I guess as a counterpoint, duh she knows I'm interested. Otherwise I wouldn't be dating her. LOL! I can forget that sometimes. Women know when a guy likes them!


The fireworks show ended and we walked down the steps. I had the slushy cup and she had the finished funnel cake plate. I was behind her. I immediately took the funnel cake plate from her as I didn't want her to have to hold it coming down the bleachers. She seemed to appreciate that gesture. Not to brag but it was definitely a classy move. The kind that women appreciate -- an eye for the little details if you will. Treating her as a lady should be treated.


On the drive home we had a good conversation. I walked her to her door and hugged her. We had already made plans for the next date prior to this evening, so I asked her the day to double check and she said yup. Kissing her was definitely on my mind, but I kind of psyched myself out on the drive home and the moment didn't feel right. So I didn't try. We said our good nights and I went back to my car. I looked back to see she was closing her door, and I saw her looking at me with a smile right before she closed her door. She didn't text me afterward but it seemed like she had a really good time. I know I did.


I think if I placed my arm around her during fireworks that it would have led to a first kiss. It's that whole slow escalation thing, right? But it felt like 0 to 60 if I kissed her there, given that I didn't put my arm around her shoulder, or share the blanket.


Anyway, it was our 2nd date so I'm hoping that didn't blow my chances. Hopefully her interest level is still high and I hope I'm not too focused on that first kiss for the 3rd date. I want it to be natural but I also know I'm not sure it's wise to go 3 dates without any kind of affection beyond a simple hug.


Anyway, now that we feel comfortable with each other, I feel much more comfortable inviting her for a "make dinner at home" date. Some of you said earlier the 2nd date is way too early (even if we're family friends) but we just had our 2nd date tonight and it went really well (missteps aside regarding the fireworks/no good night kiss parts) so I feel if I offer her a chance to cook at home she'd be happy to accept. Also, we did talk about cooking dishes on the date tonight. So it won't be completely random for me to bring up.


I'd like some feedback on the whole blanket/arm situation. Did I blow my chances there? Should I have been more assertive? Or was being 100% gentlemanly the way to go? I don't know how she perceives it, but I'm hoping she feels it was sweet and that I was protective of her rather than trying to "play game" so to speak. It was almost like I said to myself "really? I'm gonna give her the blanket and slip in there casually huh?" NOT THAT KIND OF SLIP IN, lol. You know what I mean. I didn't want her to misinterpret that.


I definitely wanted to give her a good night kiss but the moment didn't quite feel right. I definitely rushed the good bye probably because I started getting nervous thinking about whether I should go for the first kiss or not.


Any feedback on any of this is welcomed. Comments or questions invited :)


Thankfully, unless I'm absolutely terrible at reading cues, she seems into me and enjoys my company as someone who can possibly one day be her boyfriend and beyond. I guess we'll see how date #3 goes!


PS- Any tips on how to reduce first kiss anxieties? I didn't feel the pressure on date 1 because it was lunch and only date 1... but tonight I definitely had my opportunity if I played my cards differently. I played it sort of cautious but thankfully she seemed to respect that I was respectful and mindful of her. But maybe next time I'll do like the Little Mermaid and kiss the girl, lol.

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I think it seems to have went well. You sort of tend to overthink things though don't you? My best advice if you feel nervous or insecure about making physical contact is to just do rather than think. Don't make simple things overly complicated in your mind.


For the same reason I would also recommend you kiss her at the first given opportunity during your next date. If you don't, you know you're gonna be thinking about it when riding home and feeling pressure that you need to do it when saying goodbye and it's probably gonna be more awkward than a cute spontaneous move on your part.

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I think it seems to have went well. You sort of tend to overthink things though don't you? My best advice if you feel nervous or insecure about making physical contact is to just do rather than think. Don't make simple things overly complicated in your mind.


For the same reason I would also recommend you kiss her at the first given opportunity during your next date. If you don't, you know you're gonna be thinking about it when riding home and feeling pressure that you need to do it when saying goodbye and it's probably gonna be more awkward than a cute spontaneous move on your part.


I tend to very much overthink. It's funny... first meetings or even first dates I rarely overthink. It's usually on date 2 when my mind goes into overdrive a bit, and I start pondering if I should do this, or do that. I think for the most part I was well composed on this date, other than the part where I questioned putting my arm around her and at the end if I should kiss her or not.


I hear what you're saying about kissing her right away at the beginning of date 3, but I'm thinking it might be too awkward escalating that fast. We haven't even held hands yet. I was thinking after cooking dinner, we could plop on the couch and watch a movie while holding hands or snuggling. That would eventually lead to a first kiss, which makes more sense than kissing her right at the door as my greeting.


If she likes me, then I'm sure it will work out.

If she sees me more as a platonic friend after tonight, then obviously it won't work out.


I guess I'll find out soon enough what's what.

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I'd like some feedback on the whole blanket/arm situation. Did I blow my chances there? Should I have been more assertive? Or was being 100% gentlemanly the way to go? I don't know how she perceives it, but I'm hoping she feels it was sweet and that I was protective of her rather than trying to "play game" so to speak. It was almost like I said to myself "really? I'm gonna give her the blanket and slip in there casually huh?" NOT THAT KIND OF SLIP IN, lol. You know what I mean. I didn't want her to misinterpret that.



Really depends on the woman in question. What you did was correct in my books, but other women might feel differently. Dating is all about establishing basic compatibility anyway, so you should do what feels right to you - if she's the right girl for you she'll feel the same way. If she's the somewhat traditional sort (which I'm guessing she is, since her parents introduced her to you), my thought is that she probably does think you did the right thing.

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I don't think you necessarily screwed up, but yeah, you had a great opportunity while watching the fireworks to get a little closer, put your arm around her, or even just hold her hand. I also think you need to go for a kiss on your next date. Not going for it at the end of the date also feels like a missed opportunity. Surely you've seen the posts on this site where the girl starts to wonder if the guy likes her if he hasn't tried to kiss her by date two or three.


I still think date 3 is too early for an at home date, given where you are on the intimacy, but that's your call. You will be kissing her for the first time at your house, which just seems weird to me.


When is your next date? Hopefully by this weekend? I feel like way too much time is going by in between dates with her. You don't want to lose momentum.

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When you say you decided to be a "gentleman" and not do anything, you really mean you pussed out. Nothing wrong with that, but you need to not make an excuse and not "psych yourself out".



When you are on a date you need to control it, if you want to kiss her, kiss her when you get a chance not the perfect chance. If you want to put your arm around her, do it, don't think about if it's cold or the right time...



Stop looking for perfect moments and hoping the universe will align for you. If you feel like doing something, do it. That's what dates are for, having fun doing things you want to do with her. Kissing her and showing interest is fun and what you want to do, so just do it.

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And just to clarify girls do not know when guys like them, they might hope but a lot of the time they are insecure so you are better off making it known.


I agree with the poster above that you need to just do it. It's never going to be perfect until you make the move.

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Next date is Sunday so not losing much momentum. Yup I definitely chalk it up as a lesson learned. Should have been fearless and put my arm around her.

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When you say you decided to be a "gentleman" and not do anything, you really mean you pussed out. Nothing wrong with that, but you need to not make an excuse and not "psych yourself out".



When you are on a date you need to control it, if you want to kiss her, kiss her when you get a chance not the perfect chance. If you want to put your arm around her, do it, don't think about if it's cold or the right time...



Stop looking for perfect moments and hoping the universe will align for you. If you feel like doing something, do it. That's what dates are for, having fun doing things you want to do with her. Kissing her and showing interest is fun and what you want to do, so just do it.


Great advice! Wish I read that before last night haha.

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Next date is Sunday so not losing much momentum. Yup I definitely chalk it up as a lesson learned. Should have been fearless and put my arm around her.


Can I just be nosy and ask why you aren't taking her out on Friday or Saturday night?

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Can I just be nosy and ask why you aren't taking her out on Friday or Saturday night?


We planned this before our 4th of July date, and I asked her to check her schedule.


That was the night she chose. She might already have made plans with friends or family Friday/Saturday? I don't want to be pushy and suggest for her to change it earlier -- that could easily come off as needy, clingy and insecure.


To me the night doesn't matter so much, especially when she may have things going on that I don't know about. It could be a Tuesday -- I just enjoy spending time with her I'm now realizing. It could be on a Monday afternoon or a Friday evening... she's just a really cool gal.


I don't want to get ahead of myself but someone said it in another topic I posted about her recently. She definitely displays the kind of qualities you would want in a future wife. For example, she's very wise with how she spends her money. I know we would not go in debt due to a shopping addiction or her buying random stuff just to buy stuff. I also saw more of her sarcastic/humorous side on last night's date... a sign that she's growing more comfortable being around me. Our first date was a lot more formal. We had some fun banter last night... like joking about how her "ghost town" is so crowded... maybe all the people in the more populated areas (like where I'm from) all decided to hop on over because this town is clearly the place to be (note: quite a small town it is in reality with not much going on, lol). We observed neighbors setting off fireworks as we drove in 5 MPH traffic. Then I'd say "MURICA!" and she said it like a split second after me in a little accent. It was cute and our banter was definitely firing. She's got a little sense of humor to herself which I appreciate. Yeah, just a really cool woman that I can see myself dating and maybe one day possibly marrying as we get to know one another better. I know some say I shouldn't be thinking about that so early on, but I'm turning 33 this month (ack!) and I've always been the type who dates with marriage DOWN THE ROAD in mind. I'm not here for a quick one and done. So far, I'm digging the qualities I see. Her character is pretty awesome!

Edited by Teknoe
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On a side note, I spoke with a personal female friend of mine regarding last night's date. She actually commended me for not making a move. She said I'm slowly building up the comfort level and that's important to establish especially with certain girls. She said if that were her she wouldn't mind the arm over the shoulder, but sharing the beach towel on a 2nd date would have been too much for her personally. (I'm really glad I didn't do that in hindsight... the arm shoulder thing I could have done but I'm glad I didn't try to move in there and share the towel... total player move that a girl can easily misinterpret on a 2nd date regardless of the intention or lack thereof).


She also told me to relax and enjoy date #3. It's pretty obvious my date likes me otherwise she wouldn't be seeing me in such date-esque situations. As long as she is receptive, keep doing what I'm doing and things should naturally fall in place as the two of us grows more comfortable. Not every couple is the same and there is no formula for this stuff.


Her email to me was very encouraging overall. I thought I blew it last night but let's face it, if this date of mine is digging me, my lack of a physical move on a 2nd date isn't suddenly going to make her go "OK, you know what, forget this guy." If she truly likes me and wants us to continue to get to know one another better, then it's only a matter of time rather than if.


Again I don't want to jinx myself, but I generally have a pretty good feeling about this one in a way I haven't felt with many other girls/dates in my life. There is chemistry and a budding connection here... gonna try to enjoy each stage as it comes and enjoy each stage for what it is.

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On a side note, I spoke with a personal female friend of mine regarding last night's date.



I'm going to give you advice that you need to remember always...I love women. On the whole, they are smarter than me. They are more talented than me. They are more compassionate, caring and loving.



That being said, don't ever, ever, ever take dating advice from a woman. ever. never ever.



Just to be clear, EVER.



A woman does not know how to date another heterosexual woman.


Female friend: "Oh, you're building trust that will make bonds that last forever..."

Your date: Is this dude gay, low confidence, or not interested in me? Oh well, I'll just bang that one dude at work and let this guy pay for my nights out.



Female friend: Oh buy her flowers and write her a poem and set it on her chair when she is not looking.

Your date: Oh, what a sweet poem...( I can't wait to laugh at it with all of my friends. They are going to die laughing over the "poem" guy).



Bottom line is she wants a man, hence she is dating a man. Men don't wait and build bonds, become bestest friends, paint each other's toenails and grow their love before becoming intimate. Be a man.



You have already said you want to kiss her and up the intimacy, you are not really being a knight in shining armor because you'd bang her at the drop of a hat if you got up the nerve. You're not trying to grow love, you're really just afraid of rejection and that is not being noble. She will pick up on it as you having no confidence, not you being a great catch because you are waiting 50 dates for a freaking kiss. So be a man and make it happen.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
language ~6
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I'm going to give you advice that you need to remember always...I love women. On the whole, they are smarter than me. They are more talented than me. They are more compassionate, caring and loving.



That being said, don't ever, ever, ever take dating advice from a woman. ever. never ever.



Just to be clear, EVER.



A woman does not know how to date another heterosexual woman.


Female friend: "Oh, you're building trust that will make bonds that last forever..."

Your date: Is this dude gay, low confidence, or not interested in me? Oh well, I'll just bang that one dude at work and let this guy pay for my nights out.



Female friend: Oh buy her flowers and write her a poem and set it on her chair when she is not looking.

Your date: Oh, what a sweet poem...( I can't wait to laugh at it with all of my friends. They are going to die laughing over the gay "poem" guy).



Bottom line is she wants a man, hence she is dating a man. Men don't wait and build bonds, become bestest friends, paint each other's toenails and grow their love before becoming intimate. Be a man.



You have already said you want to kiss her and up the intimacy, you are not really being a knight in shining armor because you'd bang her at the drop of a hat if you got up the nerve. You're not trying to grow love, you're really just afraid of rejection and that is not being noble. She will pick up on it as you having no confidence, not you being a great catch because you are waiting 50 dates for a freaking kiss. So be a man and make it happen.



Heh, I've heard this "never take advice about dating girls from girls" advice before. I guess there's a certain degree of validity to it.


I think it's time to block out all the noise (guy or girl advice) and just live in the moment and flow in that. Easier said than done but I have a third date set up this weekend that will allow me another chance to solidify things as more than just friends.

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Oh man... I'm hoping I'm making this worse than what she thinks it is.


But the girl I'm dating (2 dates in, 3rd date this weekend, no real physical affection yet but she seems to like me -- I just haven't made a move yet) and I had a nice texting exchange earlier today.


She told me her work clothes are super uncomfortable and she always can't wait to get home to change out of them and into her more comfortable PJs


What I wrote wasn't worded as best as I could have made it lol.


"Show me a pic of this outfit. Now I gotta see what they're like lol"



I meant her work clothes in my mind. I became curious as to what they look like -- why would they make her feel super uncomfortable? Does it include big red floppy clown shoes? etc. I just wanted to see a picture of her work clothes.


She never replied, and I know she read it because she allows people to see when she's read a text.


I go about the rest of my day trying not to think about why she never replied. Finally I read the text back like at 11 PM and it hit me, "oh wow."


I hope she didn't misinterpret it as I wanted to see her PJs.


"That outfit" was a poor choice of words on my part. I meant "work clothes."


So I texted her to clarify my meaning but it was already kinda late (11:30)

so I haven't heard back from her yet. Hopefully tomorrow she'll text me something like "oh no worries i know what you meant lol just got busy" or whatever. Hopefully she doesn't think I'm some sleazy pervert who wants to see her "outfit" or what she looks like in more comfortable clothes (i.e. PJs)


I totally didn't mean that but should have double proof the text. I told her I meant "What do you think is so uncomfortable about your work clothes? I'm curious now what they look like haha."


Hopefully I'm overthinking this and this isn't as big a deal as my brain is making it out to be. Also, I'm hoping it doesn't ruin anything between us, because I like where our slowly budding relationship is heading. Hopefully she knows it was just an unintentionally awkwardly phrased text. I was just trying to have some fun and be like "Work clothes uncomfortable? Man now I want to know what they look like."


Definitely not my finest texting moment, but hoping 2+ dates in and the connection we've built so far isn't thrown out the window because of this, especially when I had no foul play in mind.


Note to self: Double check texts to eliminate any potential awkward misinterpretations. Man, I was doing so well with the texting too. Keeping it short and brief, only using it to set up dates in real life. Kinda got caught using it today to engage in a little extra chatter. Gotta remind myself to be careful of that...

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I don't think you have anything to worry about. If she gets upset without first determining your intent, you don't want her.

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So you believe that if you ask a girl that you're dating to show you some more personal photos, it's a sleezy perverted thing to do!? Do you want this girl as a romantic/sexual partner or are you applying for a job with her?


Walking on broken glass and treating her as a princess will certainly not help with her attraction levels, it'll eventually work against you.


Your second "clarification" msg certainly spoke volumes with her and I truly hope that it didn't made things worst. Women tend to receive these type of messages in all the wrong ways.


You don't have to be rude or aggressive but be more assertive and be yourself man. Stop worrying about what a girl may think of you.

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