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Change of Heart or Mind Games?

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So Idk how to explain what we are but we dated and then he said he wanted to go back to his ex who has a bf and I got mad because that's wrong on so many levels. I still hung out with him and we still had sex. His ex is happy with her bf and the guy I'm with and her are just friends. When we dated, he said he was crazy about me in the beginning. Then he realized he still had feelings for his ex. I was going to break up with them but we both literally broke down in tears. He is my best friend he said we both need each other I realize this is true now and it's what I wanted when I loved him.


Now, the sex has become so passionate. He's being so affectionate. He invited me to his house for a weekend when his family is away so it was just the two of us. We went swimming and played mini golf and we did fun stuff which was so out of his character. He was never even like this when we were together.


When we were going swimming, he's splashing me and he's being all cute again. Then he tells me "You're driving me crazy" and he wants to cuddle a lot and of course sex too. He holds my hand when we cuddle and watch TV. But we did fun stuff too like xbox and getting ice cream. He paid for breakfast twice and dinner and I paid for golf and ice cream. I would call it relationship goals but we're not really together.. He's told me he wants to hook up with a respectable black girl so I didn't say anything like whatever.. Also me stalking his ex on Facebook saw she went to Maine and in his room is a stuffed lobster that says Maine on it. Of course I won't say anything about that but it makes me curious..


I had to leave and drive an hour and a half back home and he didn't want me to go he begged me to stay like he held me down to not leave and I'm like, "OMG let go!!" and he's like "I'm never letting go" He also thanked me for staying the weekend with him and he's like: "You should move in" It's weird how all the sudden he's acting this way, like how the hell does this happen?!?! I used to cry about him not loving me the way I want him to but now I only cry because I'm confused on what he wants.


He still wants to hang out during college. My friends think hate him so they're going to try to keep him away from me. I hate calling it "Friends with Benefits" because it just sounds like we're having sex and keeping it friendly but I don't like FWB act this way.. WHAT IS THIS?!?! Do guys pretend to act this way? So confused. I do appreciate how he's treating me though. I don't know if I love him or still do and it's just that we reached a new level of a relationship?? It's heartbreaking though if he genuinely loves me now because when I genuinely loved him, he didn't love me and now idk if I love him..

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