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Too soon to start dating?


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I dated a guy briefly (not gonna even call it a relationship) long distance. We were together for a month before he left. I fell for him pretty hard and he wanted to move things forward, the long distance thing fell apart about 2 weeks after he left. I felt emotional distance and he seemed like he didn't care about me anymore. I found out (by pressuring him for an answer), that he isn't ready and he is very confused. He is afraid of getting hurt and just wants to be alone. I haven't heard from him in over a week, even though he wanted to stay in contact. I am disappointed and though I said I wouldn't date other guys, it looks like whatever I had w/this guy is over (his ex might be in the picture). Is it too soon to start dating? I am going nc w/him and I'm not dating to spite him, I'm dating to find a man who truly cares for me.

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Did you ever really meet this guy IN REAL LIFE? And he might still be involved with someone?


I would say stay off the internet and go on actual dates with people. Go No Contact with the online guy and don't look back.

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