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Not coping with experiencing progress


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I got a job in my field...

I got a dog...

I'm learning the piano again...

My studies are starting again...

I made new friends...

I have an amazing figure...

Family relationships improved....

Guys ask me out for dates (I say no a lot - and if I do go, I'm just polite and treat the guy as a good potential friend).


And somehow...none of it matters. I want balance. I want him to be around when I finally have these things in my life. I can't stop crying randomly at how the one thing that made me enjoy the simple things or complications in life is now gone.


I'm not coping. I feel like whatever I do - my nightmarish past will always haunt me and makes me feel I'm forced to do everything right in the present. Nothing feels natural.


I hate not being in love.

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It doesn't feel natural, yes. I totally understand you.


Sometimes it's hard to get through the thoughts. So whenever they come, try to occupy your mind with something else. Yeah, easier said than done, but it helps (and works). Keep it going. As long as you're working on yourself, even if it's not making you feel the best right now, eventually it will. That's part of the process.


After 2 months, I went on a trip (I'm in the middle of it now) and I met this girl in the town I went to before this one, through Tinder. I absolutely adored her. For the first time, it felt great to be around someone. I didn't even compare her to my ex. I see so much progress now. I thought this would never happen. But it did. As long as you keep moving forward.


Keep trying, don't give up. It seems like you're doing great and occupying your mind. The time to fall in love again will come. :)

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Yes it sucks to be honest but give it more time. You will meet someone better who makes you happy. I met someone else like juniorrocha. At first I took him like a friend but we enjoyed our time together and I started to have feelings for him. I was happy that I am able to fall in love again. Unfortunately he finished it with me but I got over from my ex and I miss the ohter guy more. So you will too get over it and will find another man. Occupy your mind and dont stop communicating with people.

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