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Boyfriend's co worker

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My boyfriend is a resident assistance in this dorm and he just started to work with this girl because the other guy had a problem with her for being irresponsable. She started to act irresponsible with her job and my boyfriend had a serious talk with her, well now that she knows that no one is liking her ,my boyfriend told me that she's being very nice to him like getting close etc. He says he kind a pushes her away and she asks what's wrong. He doesn't think she's hitting on him. He thinks she's kissing up because she screwed up with her job. Well, i trust my guy but i don't want that girl to be very mushy . should i wait for my boyfriend to handle this? or should i tell him that it bothers me? or tell the girl to cool down? she has a boyfriend but i don't know what to think please advice me.

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You have no choice but to let your boyfriend handle this matter. It is a private situation between him and her. If you feel he is not capable of handling it, you have no business intervening. In that case, you should find another boyfriend.


Until the day you die, women of all shapes and sizes will make approaches to whatever man you're with in all kinds of ways. Sometimes rarely, sometimes often...depending on your boyfriend's or husband's looks, personality, work, etc. You cannot be a constant watchdog over your guy's affairs.


Be grateful he shared this with you, I guess, but let him handle it. There's nothing wrong with asking once in a while how things are going with that issue.


If you happen so run into her on campus somewhere, there's nothing wrong with you telling her (jokingly) you appreciate her watching out for your boyfriend because he gets hit on by dozens of girls everyday. But be very careful how you say it. Whatever you say to her will get back to your boyfriend and probably be exaggerated. If she's out for your guy, she will say whatever she needs to to get him pissed at you. That's why you should not make an outright approach to her.


If you should say anything at all to her, tell your boyfriend immediately EXACTLY what you said as a preemptive move against lies she may tell about the encounter.

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