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Broke up with bf for cheating, why am I the one who feels rejected?

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I'm 25 he's 36. Recently found out that my boyfriend of four years was living a double life with a secret girlfriend for the past two years. Found out all the details from talking to the other girl and couldn't believe the extent of his infidelity. He's already been divorced (he cheated on his wife) and has a child and I thought we were getting serious. This isn't the first time I caught him being unfaithful and took him back but I decided that enough was enough and cant forgive this one. The other girl said she was going to do the same but after a week of his chasing and sob stories and a promise ring to marry her she took him back and asked me never to contact him because shes decided to give him another chance and that she wants to move in with him and have a baby; I'm in my 20s she's in her 30s. She's convinced he's going to change for her and my mind is blown. I was honest and upfront with this girl and thought I was helping her so why do I feel like the victim? Why do I feel rejected while my pig of an ex gets to live happily ever after with the other woman while my heart is broken? Does their relationship stand a chance when mine failed?

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This isn't the first time I caught him being unfaithful and took him back but I decided that enough was enough and cant forgive this one.


OP I have had the same thing happen to me so I can understand why you would take him back but that doesn't mean he deserves it. You are right enough is enough and you really can't afford to forgive him.



The other girl said she was going to do the same but after a week of his chasing and sob stories and a promise ring to marry her she took him back and asked me never to contact him because shes decided to give him another chance and that she wants to move in with him and have a baby; I'm in my 20s she's in her 30s. She's convinced he's going to change for her and my mind is blown. I was honest and upfront with this girl and thought I was helping her so why do I feel like the victim? Why do I feel rejected while my pig of an ex gets to live happily ever after with the other woman while my heart is broken? Does their relationship stand a chance when mine failed?


This also happened to me as well where the other woman confronted me and we had an agreement to let go of him because he was doing us both wrong. My advice is this, forget about her and what she said except on the part of not contacting him. Let her go on her decision to try and re-concile their unreconcilable doomed relationship. Trust me on this, if he has been unfaithful in the past he will continue to do so with her just like his ex wife I guarantee it. When you give them another chance it tells them that their actions have little to no repercussions therefore allowing them to continue to behave in that way almost to the point of no remorse.


You may feel like you are being rejected now but know this; you have done the right thing in ending it with him you are a strong person unlike the other woman, you are free from his bullsh*t. Do not let him back into your life you deserve better than that.

Edited by miffymars
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Why do I feel rejected while my pig of an ex gets to live happily ever after with the other woman while my heart is broken? Does their relationship stand a chance when mine failed?


This is the only part that I need to read. He's scum. And honestly, I think she is too.


You are mad and jealous and hurt all wrapped up into one. Its natural, you feel rejected and see her in your place. Does their relationship stand a chance? No. I would say it does not. She is in for the same heartache and betrayal at some point.

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Good lord, WHY would you think you've been 'rejected?'


Truth is, someone up there was saving you from a LIFETIME of heartache.


His 'girlfriend' knew what a lying, cheating sack of sh*t he was the entire time she was seeing him while he was with you. Yet, she's stupid enough to think that he's going to be loyal to HER. Most of them ARE stupid enough to think they're special enough that their cheaters won't cheat on them. :laugh::laugh::laugh:


She'll see. Fool.

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Guys like him have a good chance of having their face beat in by an angry husband, or having a bat $% cray cray GF chopping his d%*& off lol

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