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What is emotional cheating?

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The term often describes a bond between two people that mimics the closeness and emotional intimacy of a romantic relationship while never being physically consummated. An emotional affair is sometimes referred to as an affair of the heart.

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Emotional cheating can be far more dangerous and toxic than physical cheating, IMO. I know because I was almost enveloped into something like this recently.


It's essentially being in a relationship with someone, but then spending emotional time and deep connections with someone else. Flirting, sharing dreams, putting down your actual partner, secretiveness, preferring to spend quality time with the other person over your actual partner, etc --- this is emotional cheating.

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Long hours of chatting, share intimate details about themselves, mirroring each other, texting each other every moment they have, hanging out one on one, etc. It turns into addictive behavior. They get so obsessed, they can't be without contact with each other, they become defensive if anyone gets in the way of their relationship. If a BF steps in and demands them to break it up, the withdrawal is like dealing with a devastating loss with horrible heartbreak.



If your friend is going through this, then yes it's an emotional affair.


But if there is only the occasional casual hi how are you doing, simple quick conversations that may occur a few time a week, I wouldn't call it an emotional affair. I would call it an issue with boundaries between her and her BF. Going out of your way to chat with someone all the time, you knowingly have a romantic interest in is not really appropriate.

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Here is the deal..


Emotional Cheating in my opinion can be wide ranging. Depending on how deep and long the current relationship is. But in general it is using another person to meet your emotional needs WITHOUT getting physical.


This rarely, stays emotional. It eventually leads to something physical.. The friendship will fall apart, or the person who is having the emotional affair will dump their SO.


It does not have to be sexual conversations and an for all accounts and purposes seem platonic. But here is a good rule of thumb to use, Would you honestly be okay with your girl/boy friend doing the same?


Some ideas, when you've had a bad day and you reach to your "friend" for emotional support instead of your SO.


When you have had a good day and you reach out to your friend to celebrate the good day with them.. But ignore your SO, even if you don't ignore the SO this can still be cheating.


When you flirt, with them even in what you think is a platonic manner.. Uhh that's what your SO is for..


There a lot of ways this can happen. But generally it makes the boy/girl friend feel second to the "friend"

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If you would be uncomfortable if both your "friend" and your partner were in the same room together, it's likely an inappropriate relationship. Full stop. If it's awkward, or weird, or you do everything to keep those to relationships separate, it's an inappropriate relationship.

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