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still wants to talk and be friends

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She cheated on me and still wants to talk to me. Why does she want to talk to me? I know if I had done to her what she did to me I don't think I could stomach talking to her. I would feel so guilty. Maybe she doesn't think she did anything that bad to me. I know I will definately not be having any communication with her for a long time but maybe one day down the road. It seems it's all about what she wants and she has made that pretty clear from her words and actions. I don't know though, what do you think?

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I say you yell at her, throw out some comments about her resemblance to a Prostitute, and tell her you never want to see her ugly face again.


That should take care of it.

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None of what you describe is surprising. By you refusing to talk to her, you're demonstrating that you're pissed at her, and rightfully so. And that makes her feel bad, and guilty for what she did. And nobody likes to feel that way. By you agreeing to still be friends with her and agreeing to her terms, she's all but off the hook -- "see, Semi is still willing to be friends with me, so I'm off the hook for the s***ty things I did. Guilt gone."


Of course it's all about what she wants. But if you're not with her, you don't have to govern your life based on what she wants. Choose your own path and ignore her.

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If you talk to her, maintain any sort of relationship with her, she will be able to feel as if she hasn't REALLY done you any true harm. She can't stand you thinking poorly of her and she is looking for signs that she's not "that kind of girl."


The best revenge? Don't give a rat's a@@, have no opinion, simply ignore her. Let her know that she showed that she's a 'ho and there's really nothing for you in bothering to talk to her.


Then feel sorry for whatever chump she's doing now, cause it will happen to him too.

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