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Is she doing me wrong?

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Hey guys/galls,


Ive been dating a girl for 1.25 years but i have been madly in love with her for much longer. She is my dream girl.


Before we started dating she had slept around with a couple of my friends but it wasnt a big deal to me even though they all told me it probably wasnt a good idea to date her.


I thought we were having a really good relationship but ive been not so sure lately. I think she may be cheating on me.


The other night I got a call from one of my friends who i would never hurt in a million years. He told me that my girlfriend was with him and they went to a bar. When I got to the bar they were walking out of the bathroom together. Like they both were coming out of the same bathroom. I was pretty suspicious but i didnt want to over react. So i played it cool.


The next day I texted him asking him about it and he said that they had sex but idk, maybe hes just playing around.


Also another friend sent me a screen shot of her tinder profile and that shes been active. I figure shes just had it from before we were dating, but I thought it was a little bit wierd.


Im probably over reacting, like the girl is an angel, but I just want another opinion.



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How old are you?

This girl is a mess. She sleeps with a group of freinds , yet dating you she

still have the balls to go and mess with your freind still.


Its a mess. Stop wasting any energy on this girl. Before you get more deeper hurt.

She is just someone that love to sleep around with friends.


Not a girlfriend material or a wife material.

Beside that guy is not your freind. But a *******. By even spent that much time with

the girl he know you like and text you so you can come and see how he been sex with him.


Leave both on the past and move on.

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So your "friend" is trying to save you from your cheating GF and show you what she's like, by having sex with her in a bathroom.


Kick them both to the kerb. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that.

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Essentially your post says...


1) My girlfriend has slept with a lot of my friends, they don't think I should date her (they're right)


2) Your "friend" texts you that he's with your girlfriend and you see them leaving a bathroom together...maybe she lost a glass zipper, I mean slipper or something and he helped her find it


3) Her active tinder profile...enough said


** You sound like you'd scratch out your eyes, just to say you didn't see her cheat when you know you did. How much more evidence do you need? And you have a pretty crappy friend(s) at that. Dump of them...they are about as good as two left shoes on the same foot.

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Wow she ain't no angel. You are blinded by love. The evidence is there. Why would said friend lie about something about that? Confront her. I bet she won't lie about it.

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Your blinded by your love for her and can't see her for who she truly is. Do you really want a girlfriend you can't trust?

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He told me that my girlfriend was with him and they went to a bar.
If she is your girlfriend why is she going to a bar with another guy? Even without sex, she should not be dating other men.


When I got to the bar they were walking out of the bathroom together. Like they both were coming out of the same bathroom.
The next day I texted him asking him about it and he said that they had sex but idk, maybe hes just playing around.
Why is it unclear to you that she had some form of sex with him? What exactly does it take for you to get a clue that she is cheating on you? You do know that cheaters rarely admit to cheating and that they will usually lie to your face when confronted? You have much more proof of her cheating than the vast majority of people being cheated on. A famous con man said that you can get anyone to believe the unbelievable as long as they want to believe. As much as you want to believe the unbelievable that she is not cheating on you with this guy, man up and accept the fact that no matter what she says, she cheated on you.
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