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Inexperienced versus experienced

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this is a question for the guys,mainly.


I was wondering what you prefer


An inexperienced girl that does not really know what she is doing,thus requiring you to take on the role of a teacher.




An experienced girl who really knows how to do it all and can even teach you a few things


Which is it?

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I prefer a girl who shows genuine interest in me as a person and who cares about me. Now, if I were to be inclined to hire a prostitute, I may ask for her background and experience...in order to get my money's worth, of course.


I there is mutual love and affection, other things tend to work out just fine no matter what the experience level.

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....i wouldn't care how experienced a guy is. as long as they respect me, and respect themselves and their affections for me are genuine then i think we can learn a lot together, regardless of experience, or lack thereof.

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I would prefer a lady who knows what she wants and has enough maturity and wisdom to know how to go about getting it. I tend to choose women that have close to the same amount of experience as I. I would probably feel somewhat uncomfortable if I were with someone way ahead of me or way behind me.

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