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Jealous of his work colleague

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Hi everyone, I tease my boyfriend that he has a work girlfriend, I have told him a couple times how it makes me feel and I think he should just talk to her about work which he respectfully did but recently he started talking to her about non work related stuff as well as send pics back and forth of stuff they are doing during the day, some of the pics he doesnt even send me.


She has a boyfriend who she is engaged to, she lives very far up north so chances of my fella meeting her is slim.


Usually my boyfriend starts the conversation off asking about work (she works as a secutary and has to call my boyfriend to pick up vehicals down this way as well as call others all over the country). After every time she talks to my boyfriend on facebook (and everyone) she puts "xx" at the end of every sentance.


She has never mentioned her boyfriend to him and my boyfriend has only mentioned me once to her.


My boyfriend told me that about a month ago other work colegues complained she was 'too flirty' with them.


I suffer with mental illness so I don't know if this is just all in my head and I'm being stupid as always because there is no proof of anything going on between them but I just feel so jealous and hurt. I feel like I just give up caring anymore, whats the point :(

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It is not in your head. What he is doing is completely wrong.


If you are in a committed relationship, it is simply wrong to flirt with people this way. Who knows what he would be doing if the girl was closer? You, need to calmly talk to him about this and explain that it is inappropriate for him to be doing this.


If he will not understand, then you need to think about ending the relationship because he does not respect you.



Good luck...

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How do you know what they talk about so intimately? Seems unlikely that your boyfriend would tell you that he's never mentioned you, or that he always starts the conversations..ao how did you find out?

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over time it's normal to develop relationships/ form a bond with your coworkers, especially if you work together all the time. I have coworkers on my FB page, we will head out for a beer after work (as a group), talk about personal things, dirty jokes are told during the day, etc. BUT I do draw the line at continually text anyone on my off hours or even at work. I do not flirt with the guys either. We may joke around, but there is nothing of a sexual nature.


From what you have described your bf's behavior is inappropriate. He may or may no know it tho. Emotional affairs start out innocently enough, but as time goes on they develop feelings.....still thinking it's harmless because nothing physical has happened. It would be in your best interest to discuss "emotional" affairs, and inappropriate flirtation with him. It would be fair to point it out to him what this is, and how it looks to you. Ask him how he would feel if you were chatting and carrying on with a guy you work with, seeing messages end with xx.

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I don't think this is all in your head, OP.


They have a cozy friendship. It's hard to say if there are other feelings involved, but it could easily slide that way.


How do you know all of this about her? And their conversations?

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