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What's the real deal here?

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My boyfriend works with a girl whom he has a weird relationship with. He's been with his job for 4 years. He always tells me how annoying she is and how she has the biggest crush on him. He says nothing but rude things about her.


She texted him one day upset with him because he "never hangs out with her". I texted her back not to text my boyfriend anymore. She short answered me.... She only said "k". I feel very uneasy about her. My intuition tells me that things aren't adding up. He talks about her CONSTANTLY, but in a negative way. So I blocked her from his Facebook because I seen her under his people you may know.


We hung out with some work friends not too long ago and I noticed that everyone seems to know about this girl "bothering" my BF. The catch is they seem to NOT believe she really bothers him. Their were two of them talking and I overheard them say how everyone knows my BF lies about her and that he's around her a lot at work. I confronted them and asked them what were they saying basically they told me that they witnessed a weird situation....

They said that they seen him approach her and say to her "hey, I have time to hang out tonight" and she replied "congratulations" and he said "fine don't try and ask me later" and stormed off. They said he asked her again if she wanted to hang out like a few hours later by saying "are you hanging out or no?" And she said "no". Supposedly after that she lost her keys and he refused to help her find them because she denied him. That honestly makes sense to me because he's very bratty. I had to drag this information out of them !!!! I did notice they were laughing at him because of her response to him saying things like "she doesn't take any crap".... Why would he openly do this??


Things just don't add up he said he took her to HR at their job because of her harassment. But he never blocked her number or anything until I forced him to. One of my good friends who's like a father to me works there. I asked him if he knew anything about the situation. He told me that he didn't know my BF was even dating me well not by his own mouth. He said another coworker has mentioned to him that he was dating me. He told me some months ago he had a conversation with my BF about this girl and he apologized because he didn't know he was dating me but he was asking him why doesn't he date her.

With the usual "she's young, she's beautiful, she's smart and she's very nice" Speech.... He said my boyfriend said he loves her or that he wants to show her love but that she's so mean and that my friend doesn't really know her.... I was startled and asked if he really said he loved her and he said "yes .... Twice". We've been dating for months like almost a year. This convo happened only a few months ago. He kept apologizing because he said he didn't know anything about me until someone else mentioned me.


I haven't confronted him about this but I feel uneasy I feel

Like things are starting to connect. She complains about him not seeing her so then he approaches her about spending time. Idk why she denied him though. And if he "loves" her why not just be with her??

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You answered her text from his phone. You blocked her from his facebook. You forced him to block her.


If he loved and respected you, he would have done all these things himself.

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He's not with her because it's an unsure thing. You are a sure thing. It's possible he was waiting to break up with you once they got together or that he was just going to date you both at the same time.


He was probably so negative about her bc he didn't want you to catch on, which obviously made it even more clear to you what was going on. None of this matters though. You need to cut him loose immediately. Whether she wants him or not, he played you.

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