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Flirting went to far

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Last night I got myself into a real bad situation. My best friend has been dating this girl for two or three weeks. This has been a funny from the get go. I mean they are already getting into it real deep. But anyway I have hung out with them a few times and the other night he left her with me for the night. That was an odd situation but it was fun and nothing happened just riding around and talking about things. This girl also has a way with flirting its just her personality. I ve talked to her a few times on the phone and weve joked around about some things too. Anyways there has been this thing with the flirting and last night I along with the alcohol took it a little far but yet still nothing happened becuase I have enuff respect for a girl if she says no it means no. Im still not real comfortable to talk about what happened last night. Her flirting mainly consists of joking around comments and glances and there has been touching on my part without a word about saying know. Last night the biggest thing that happened is when my drunkeness started to progress the flirting was taken seriously enuff to the point where i tried to kiss the girl. This is not the first time I have been tempted to do this either. One night we were all together and talking about kissing for one reason or another and this girl turns to me jokinly and gives me the kiss me look. At that point I had enuff respect for my friend to not do it but last thinking about the signals I had been getting I tried to react and feel so bad about it. Pleasle help what do I do.

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First off, it's weird your friend would leave you to spend the evening with his girlfriend?


She sounds like trouble with all her flirting - and I feel sorry for your friend because no guy deserves a skanky flirt. She's obviously more than aware of the effect her flirting has on you. She doesn't respect your friend, or herself for that matter.


If I were you, I'd distance yourself from her totally - before you do something stupid and you lose a friend forever. She is not worth it. Girls like this are a dime a dozen - your friend should be worth much more to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, in my opinion I wouldn't just start talking all bs about the girl, simply because she might not be aware of her flirtiness. Yes you'd surprised how flirtatious some girls are with out knowing. I know because my girlfriend is naturally a flirt but not with bad intentions.


I think that next time you hang out with her alone you should see if she acts the same way and if so, its the perfect time for you 2 to talk about whats going on, perfect because your friend wont be there in case its nothing serious.


As for shygurl, theres nothing wrong with her hanging out with her bf's friend If the bf trusts his friend. My gilfriend hangs out with my friends when I'm workin or outt with my mom, then they pick me up from work or wherever.


If you do get to talk to her alone and she does have something for you, the 2 of you should either let it go and NEVER bring it up again. or you both should tell her bf/your friend about it and that you guys dont want to lose friendship/relationship.

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Originally posted by Confissledone

Well, in my opinion I wouldn't just start talking all bs about the girl, simply because she might not be aware of her flirtiness. Yes you'd surprised how flirtatious some girls are with out knowing. I know because my girlfriend is naturally a flirt but not with bad intentions.


I think that next time you hang out with her alone you should see if she acts the same way and if so, its the perfect time for you 2 to talk about whats going on, perfect because your friend wont be there in case its nothing serious.


As for shygurl, theres nothing wrong with her hanging out with her bf's friend If the bf trusts his friend. My gilfriend hangs out with my friends when I'm workin or outt with my mom, then they pick me up from work or wherever.


If you do get to talk to her alone and she does have something for you, the 2 of you should either let it go and NEVER bring it up again. or you both should tell her bf/your friend about it and that you guys dont want to lose friendship/relationship.


I really find this 'oh she didn't know she was flirting' thing a crock of **** to be honest, girls know exactly what they are doing it is part of there make up and the way they attract the opposite sex, body language is more important than actual verbal words because it is how we operated before we learnt to speak.


I just find it hard to believe that a girl that plays with her hair,gives you sideway glances, finds an excuse to touch you or get near you or talk about kissing you doesn't know what she is doing.


it doesn't add up.

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It seems to me that you have very little respect for your best friend.

Would you expect your best friend to do this to you?

With friends like you - one does not need enemies.


I suggest you tell your best friend everything. It the least you can do.

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Some girls don't realise the games that they're playin'. Other know what they're doing and take lots of pleasure in luring men in. Who really knows how she is? Besides, that's not the point.



Let's look at the facts: you, my friend, have been suckered from the beginning 'till the end. She came, played, toyed arund with you and tossed you away when the time came to put her money where her mouth was. Let this be a lesson to you.


If you already felt like kissing her, why didn't you distance yourself from them as a pair and see him when he was alone? HE's free to see whomever he wants, skanky or not, but his leaving his gf with you means that he trust you a LOT. Why put that in jeopardy for a girl who's playing games? Main point: don't think about this, act as if mothing had happened and don't go out with your best friend when his gf is around. Safest for everyone.

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