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So, this girl that my b/f hung out with when we were separated sent him a text message a few days ago. I guess he tried pursuing something more then that, but didn't work out....however, they still hung out alot and sent each other text messages and called one another all the time during our split.They dont talk at all anymore, so this was just out of the blue. As as a matter of fact, he seen her pic in this book thing, and forgot her name. This text message, all it said/asked was "hey how's your summer goin?" Nothin wrong w/ that, but obviously she is still thinkin about him?? or is she just being nice? I mean i suppose she could have just been browsing through her phonebook in her phone and decided, hey what the hell...i'll see what he's been up to....she knows we got back together, he told her....and she's aware that we live together now as well....


what do you guys think?

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She's sniffing around your man, but it's not his fault. As long as he's not replying to her, calling her etc then don't worry.


If he starts replying to her or sniffing back then be concerned. Perhaps he's decided that you're really what he wants :love:

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A Fly onThe Wall

It's all about his actions not hers.. does he reply ?

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no he didn't reply....he probly didn't even know who it was b/c he got rid of her and any other girls' numbers when we got back together...i mean if he forgot her name when he seen a pic of her, i doubt he's gonna remember her number, which shows up just some random number in his phone now. Btw, him and I are wanting to get married w/in the next 2-3yrs or so, maybe less...so we know we wanna spend the rest of our lives w/ each other, just to let everyone in on our relationship a little bit and to let ya know he doesn't have any interest in her or anyone else. *kinda my reply to Mz. Pixie's post* I just dont know how SHE feels, which like you guys said, i just need to focus on what HE does...

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He dated this girl and forgets her name? kinda odd? I would not worry. It is not like he called her, so do not look into it too much. Sometimes I call my ex from yrs ago to chat even if he has a gf or I have a bf. Just to see how he is. No intention fo getting with him agian...just if I was thinking of him or something ya know? DOn't worry

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it was never "official" that they were dating....just hung out together alot, had fun, etc...overall, they were just good friends. He's quite forgetful anyways...not tryin to justify his actions *if i was doin that, there would be no point in coming here* :p ..but just lettin you in on what kinda person he is. I.E., we just had an argument of some sorts last night, and today he didn't even remember what we were arguing about. Things that weren't that important or doesn't find a big deal in, he forgets.

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