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first time post!....i think i'm in love, she says she doesnt know what she wants

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Wow am I glad I found this outlet! lol So anyway... I met this chick on the internet. She contacted me. Within 15 minutes of IMs we were on the phone. She is 10 yrs younger...almost to the day...3 to be exact.


She is hot, independant (lives w/ roomates), well-educated and has a good sense of humor. Heres the thing, she has moved around quite a bit. Born in state 1, moved to state 2 (family move), state 3 (for college), state 4 and now state 5 (where I am). Plus her family is half and half (she has 2 half-siblings she says she treats badly) via divorce etc, etc.


I dont think its such a bad thing, but its just a matter of fact.


So anyway, first date was food and a movie. We had great convo during the meal...we both seemed to like eeach other ... we mutually suggested another date. 2nd date, dinner and ice skating. She said it had been 20 years since she skated. This date was very fun. We had great convo during the food and then skating was really fun. She was like a little girl on the skates ... and I loved being there to see her have such a good time (she was very unsure and excited beforehand)...but she confessed she had a great time.


When I told her I was really glad she had fun she said, "I'm glad it was with you." Well thats been playing over and over in my over analytical mind. But anyway, that date was really great. Up to this point no physical contact ... except skating when I put my hand out to catch her to stop, she grabbed my hand casually and came to a stop. No big deal, but I did it to see what she would do. Again, we mutually agreed on another date.


OK so 3rd date, pretty much i treated her to dinner/drinks for her bday ... BUT, I drove to her place and picked her up. Saw her pets, her bedroom, the house, went to her job after hours, met a co-worker, then back to her place and met her roomies. Again we have mutually agreed on another date. So...


She says she really doesn't know what she's looking for ... and I say thats fine we're just friends/acquaintances ... and she's very cool with that. Meanwhile I'm like Homer Simpson staring into a Krispy Kreme store. But I'm holding back because she's told me she's broken relationships off because of being 'smothered'. She also dates frequently and tells me about some of them. So thats my story up to now.


4th date/hang out coming soon. For anyone who reads this drivel, I'd love to hear any comments. Until next time ... lol

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People usually post about their problems on this forum.


I fail to see any problems, You seem to be having a great time and nothing bad has happened yet.


And you seem to be doing everything right so...


Umm... Neat.

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Sounds like you're having a great time, and no problems so far.


But there are potential problems (there always are). Just make sure you don't get yourself too attached before you know what she's looking for or if she wants a relationship. If you do, she'll probably end up feeling smothered by you too.


Keep doing what you're doing and don't try to force a relationship. Go out on dates with other people like she is and just have a good time.

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