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Would you date an escort?

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Deb, would you share your general experience with dating? Did you try to have romantic relationships while escorting?


How do men react these days when you tell them about your past? How often are they accepting vs not? At what point do you bring this up? First date, not until sex is on the table, or what?


Don't share anything you are uncomfortable with. I know you risk some judgement on these forums.


hey pogo...never really had a problem with dating......in regards to my past...most of the guys i have dated in the past see it as that.. a past that is not my life anymore...........



i did date while escorting.....i had to...i was being chased aggressively by a few men.....and i developed a friendship with this spruiker who worked on the door..he was an runaway orphan who management saw potential in...they saw a lot of potential in vulnerability...street kids or homeless with no family....


.......this guy used to help street kids out with money ...he earned quite a bit.......i over heard these girls who were using him for that money, bagging him out...so i accepted a date from him.. we lasted three years....when i got out...i took him with me.working as a hooker had me messed up....i found out he got paid to recruit me for hooking.....i became frigid..he was more like my little brother..still is...even though he is older than me.....we developed a survival bond..that bond is there....as well as two sons....


after him dated a body builder bouncer who also knew my past...we were friends for a long time....that relationship lasted fifteen years....we have three daughters together and now back to being friends....we parent well together...supportive relationship


most guys honestly pogo take my past as my past.....i have more trouble with dating due to the fact i am celibate now till marriage.....than my previous sexual history.....i feel that guys find that harder to deal with..that i am a mormon convert


it scares me a little...to think of dating someone from my church and having to disclose my history.....that they might not view me as marriage material.be harsh and disgusted by me.....that then they may out me out of disgust.........but if and when the time comes and i date someone in the church.....i will be honest regardless of the risk.....if it doesnt work out...ill become a nun in tibet...;0).buy soem llamas......kidding...maybe not....



i wouldnt tell a guy first date.......but i would for sure tell him after i had an idea on his viewpoints on sex workers....if a guy looks down on sex workers and thinks they are filth.....i cannot date him...and wouldnt want to....neither would i date a guy who uses sex workers.....i would only date a guy who had a christian viewpoint...or gentlemanly viewpoint in regards to ALL WOMEN..who believed in forgiveness...i have paid my dues.....many times over.....



there are certain types of guys who would and do get turned on by the fact i am an ex hooker..another reason why i disclose i can weed those guys out......think of me as an easy root.....it is actually the opposite.....


i do let guys know that sex isnt on the table till after marriage....i have not been turned down because of my past......but...i had one guy say he couldnt see the relationship going further as he didnt want to date a mormon....:0).had previous issues with religious women so he said.....he also didnt want to wait for sex.....so it was toodles i wish you well.....


over all pogo...i have a few hurdles with dating..being an ex hooker seems to be managable...celibate mormon ex hooker...weeeelllll...anything is possible though huh.....:0)..


i have read more disheartening stuff on here from men...than what i get in real life...my women friends are very understanding ...and they trust me.......my bishop......i disclosed my past too...and he was supportive....and understanding...and counselled me to remain true to what i believe..and i have dreamed of marriage.....i believe i deserve to be loved and committed too as i would love and commit........deb

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Thanks Deb. Celibacy would be a bigger hurdle to me too. Sexual intimacy and compatibility are important factors in my relationships, and I need to find out before marriage. I think even good Mormon men will have trouble waiting, but I'm sure there are a few out there who are right for you.


Is it possible you are using celibacy to keep men away, thus avoiding the chance for deep emotional intimacy?

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Ex-stripper but tested clean - No problem.

Date an escort without sex - No problem.

Have sex with an escort - No way.

I would rather play safe.

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Thanks Deb. Celibacy would be a bigger hurdle to me too. Sexual intimacy and compatibility are important factors in my relationships, and I need to find out before marriage. I think even good Mormon men will have trouble waiting, but I'm sure there are a few out there who are right for you.


Is it possible you are using celibacy to keep men away, thus avoiding the chance for deep emotional intimacy?



no i dont feel it is me avoiding intimacy..my celibacy is a covenant i keep with god...i am alway scared when beginning a new relationship or forming a deeper connection...i feel its normal to be scared.....but getting to know a guy better and being affectionate...and listening to him..him listening to me..being open and honest..as an empath i naturally feel more at eease the more time spent together..my fears dont stick around........


and its not an easy covenant to keep for me..i struggle..probably the biggest struggle i have had since joining the church..i have already slipped once..i actually have a pretty high sex drive and i enjoy sex.....but i prefer sex with a man i can form a lasting bond with....maybe its an empath thing...or a combination empath/ mormon thing.....i dont often feel a real tangible attraction...being truly attracted physically emotionally and spiritually.... has only happened once in the past five or so years..probably longer......and even though i felt scared......i let my feelings be known..my grandpa always told me to let people know how i feel.....smart man my grandpa....


.fear to me is not a reason to not move forward...or try.....i always have used fear as a way to know i actually care about the outcome...to strengthen me.......no matter how afraid i am.....i go with god...lol...smilin....he holds my knees together....when they shake like crap....:0)...god helps me stand up...in that way, i have always been pretty brave...

but this celibacy thing...it is a promise......not a hurdle or a barrier...its a promise i try my hardest not to break....for me to have true intimacy...i think the promise....is a way to have that truth...its hard for me...to believe i deserve that truth...deb

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Gary Marshall, who made Pretty Woman just died this week. You know, the story about the guy who got sort of an escort to be like a high society woman.


Movies make us dream. It was a cute movie. In real life....maybe?

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I would. since I no longer want relationships, family, kids, have my heart broken again by another beast, hell yea. Do what you have to do, give them cab money and leave. amazing if you ask me

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I would. since I no longer want relationships, family, kids, have my heart broken again by another beast, hell yea. Do what you have to do, give them cab money and leave. amazing if you ask me


Yea, you pay for them to leave. Can't do that to your gf, especially when she won't shut her trap after sex or to tell you to take out the trash.

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Many non-pro's are getting more than their counterparts in the P4P game. Ho's are more likely to insist upon clean, protected contact. Just don't bring your feelings around them, that's not part of the deal. You don't pay them for sex, you pay them to go away after sex.

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