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So he moved on...[UPDATE 2017]


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You block him and never talk to him again. That's the only way. Of course you're stuck on him when you constantly keep in touch.


Somewhere in your post you wrote that you wouldn't like to repeat your failed relationship. That's your voice of reason, listen to it. Not to your ex's empty words and promises.


It's ok to do a mistake once, but to do the same one twice... Then you've only got yourself to blame.


Block him, his family and start a new page.

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Long distance relationships are always hard. No matter what you two decide, it must be mutually agreed upon. Expectations need to be made clear. Unclear/hidden expectations are often the death knoll for many relationships. You have been pretty clear with your feelings online. Have you also made your feelings clear to him? It might be a good idea to discuss this. Of course, you run the risk of rejection, but the only way to really clarify where you stand is to talk about it, with HIM. If you are both ok with the distance, and not seeing each other for 9-10 months, then you do what you need to daily to maintain the relationship. If neither one of you are happy with the distance, and you don't see yourselves moving closer in the near future, then it might be best to end the relationship and move on.

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