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Women cause so much trouble

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I don't know about you guys, but women have caused so much trouble in my and my friends' lives, the other day we were actually discussin whether being single was better than being in a relationship. I have had 5 girl friends, and even though I have had a lot of fun, they have caused me much more headache than pleasure. What is it with women that they always have to mess and screw up a relationship, why can't they just enjoy the present and not jump into the future and start sabotaging the relationship??? I have decided not to date for another 5 or 6 years. I don't know, it's either I am unlucky, or maybe I can not understanding what women really want. My number one complaint is in general, I have observed, women are very insecure and just annoy the hell out of you with such issues as : Are we going to get engaged soon? marriage, commitment, why do you go to bars with your friends???? You don't see me as often as I want you to see me? will you be with me forever???


What is up with you women? HUH??

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I think you have been unlucky to have dated women who ask those types of questions. There are many women who don't bring up those issues. Many are very independent. Some are just craving romance and ask those questions only to get some sort of response out of their guy.


The problem here is also with YOU as much as with the ladies you date. You can never stifle someone from asking questions that concern you. However, you can respond by giving them a brief answer to the question they pose and tell them you prefer to have no more discussion of the subject for a while. If they persist, you simply move on. It's not really a lot of trouble at all. You'll find if you set certain groundrules, a lady who wants to be in your company will follow those that are reasonable.


Many women are wanting long term relationships which lead to marriage...and ask those types of questions in order to see if they are with the right person. I don't blame them for asking. If they are wasting their time with a particular guy, they can be freed to move on by the answers they get. Other times, they get mixed messages from the guy. A woman doesn't want to feel she is being used.


Addressing these questions takes only minutes. I don't really see that as a big problem. If you are dating a lot of ladies who are obsessed with these things, it may be the drinking water in your town.


I hope you will reconsider your five year sabatical from dating. There are some really fine ladies out there who would make excellent companions for you without asking a lot of questions.

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I am single and have been for the last nine months or so. I find my life is much simpler on my own. I have become so tired of the games that go along with dating.


I think I am different from a lot of women when it comes to dating. A lot of men say they want a woman who is independent, who has her own life, who doesn't badger them to get married and who doesn't call 20 times a day, isn't bothered by a guy going out w/his friends unless he can never spend time with me. When it comes right down to it, I find a hard time finding someone who likes those qualities. Unless I just date the wrong men. I do have some expectations. Many of the men I have dated couldn't seem to handle someone who was independent due to some of their insecurities. They seemed to want someone who was more clingy and dependent on them. When I was younger, I wasn't necessarily looking for a long-term relationship but now that I am older I kind of am. A lot of men expect to bed you but they don't want offer you any kind of commitment in return and that is where I have a problem and I think a lot of other women do to. Hey, I can date but if the guy expects to be getting more, he needs to offer me more.

I don't know about you guys, but women have caused so much trouble in my and my friends' lives, the other day we were actually discussin whether being single was better than being in a relationship. I have had 5 girl friends, and even though I have had a lot of fun, they have caused me much more headache than pleasure. What is it with women that they always have to mess and screw up a relationship, why can't they just enjoy the present and not jump into the future and start sabotaging the relationship??? I have decided not to date for another 5 or 6 years. I don't know, it's either I am unlucky, or maybe I can not understanding what women really want. My number one complaint is in general, I have observed, women are very insecure and just annoy the hell out of you with such issues as : Are we going to get engaged soon? marriage, commitment, why do you go to bars with your friends???? You don't see me as often as I want you to see me? will you be with me forever???


What is up with you women? HUH??

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....it's just unfortunate you've ended up with girls like this, because i can tell you now, not all chicks are like this...i'm speaking as a girl who is not like this.


if you're feeling pressure from these girls to give them something you're not ready for, then walk. you will find a girl who isn't looking for marriage and babies yet.


....and may i make a general observation - men are just as insecure as women...but not all men and all women are like this. try not to make generalisations, because this can really get you into hot water, if it hasn't already.


...and some women might say men annoy the hell out of them by being so afraid to commit - but then that would be a generalisation too.


it's all about attitude - have the right attitude towards women and you will land the kind of girl you're seeking. wouldn't it suck if you continued to think all women are insecure, want marriage now and are annoying, and all the while you were thinking this, your dream girlfriend walked into your life and walked straight out again because of what you think about women in general.


good luck :)


p.s. i could rattle of a heap of guys who have screwed up relationships too. it goes both ways.

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