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What do I do????????


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My ex and I have broken up many times this year he was confused with school and what he wanted in his life. always thinking me in his life was too much for him. See we were serious almost together 2.5 yrs. NOw he knows what he is doing and wants me back real bad. He says he know with all his heart that I am missing in his life and that he never realized how much before he loved me. He is leaving soon for the coast gaurd and wants me to move with him so we can start a new begining without people always in our business. Thing is he has done this to me so many times and I dont know if I feel the same about him. I used to feel that he was the only guy I would ever have such feelings for. Part of me knows that I love him very very much. But what is it like trying to find that love again after you have tried so hard to forget that Person.

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Only you can make the choice. If he has given you the same speech several times before, chances are the outcome will be similar. How far away will you be moving? Is it worth picking up your life and starting over for a relationship that isn't very stable? How do you feel? Do you think there is a possibility of the two of you starting fresh? You know what is in your heart.


After a while when you can't seem to make a relationship work, it is time to move on.

My ex and I have broken up many times this year he was confused with school and what he wanted in his life. always thinking me in his life was too much for him. See we were serious almost together 2.5 yrs. NOw he knows what he is doing and wants me back real bad. He says he know with all his heart that I am missing in his life and that he never realized how much before he loved me. He is leaving soon for the coast gaurd and wants me to move with him so we can start a new begining without people always in our business. Thing is he has done this to me so many times and I dont know if I feel the same about him. I used to feel that he was the only guy I would ever have such feelings for. Part of me knows that I love him very very much. But what is it like trying to find that love again after you have tried so hard to forget that Person.
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I was talking to this guy and we were falling hard for eachother. We work together and never hung out afterwards. We spent all of our time together at work and that was that. Recently his gf came and started to work with us just to "babysit" (to see if he was dating someone or cheating on her) Well, we really only kissed a couple of times but I can't stop thinking about him. She no longer works there and he still will not talk to me. (he has ignored me since she started there for over a month.) i think he figures that if he doesn't look or talk to me that he'll forget about me. Now that she doesn't work there anymore im wondering if he'll ever talk to me, and what should i say to him if anything at all. WE had really good times and I know he misses me because we had that talkative best friend relationship going on. He fell for me first and it took me some time but i fell for him, now i don't know what to do? what should i say?

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