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Should I leave?


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I've been in a relationship with a girl that is very demanding. She constantly wants me to shower her with gifts and attention. At first, I felt no obligation and liked doing things for her-- but as the relationship has drawn out, I feel like she constantly expects me to "carry" the relationship and now expects me to get her whatever she wants. Frankly, I am tired-- but I don't know whether I should break it off. We have been going out for a year and she seems to be a relatively nice girl.


She has met my family and I have met hers. I find her to be very compatible; but also progressively higher maintenance. It seems to be getting out of hand. I'm not sure if I'm just being unreasonable and selfish or whether I should go with my gut feelings and break it off. Please respond ASAP! Thanks in advance.

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Instead of deciding to break it off right away why not discuss your feelings with her. Tell her how you feel and make it clear that this is tiring you out.


This doesn't sound like the love of your life because your tone is luke-warm. It doesn't even sound like you really care about her if you are asking us whether or not you should break it off.


I would certainly go with your gut feelings, but perhaps I wouldn't be so brutal as to just "break it off" without having a discussion and proper closure with her.

She has met my family and I have met hers. I find her to be very compatible; but also progressively higher maintenance. It seems to be getting out of hand. I'm not sure if I'm just being unreasonable and selfish or whether I should go with my gut feelings and break it off. Please respond ASAP! Thanks in advance.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Chalandria Salem

WEll, I am a 'girl' so I know that it's nice to get attention. But not when you have to ask for it. She should not be asking for attention or expecting it. I personally love attention, not so much gifts, just the little things, like, calling me for no reason and saying 'I love you'. That should be all that she needs. If she expects way too much from you, then take a break. Don't break up with her. Just a BREAK. She'll realize how much she needs you and she may start treating you liek a REAL person


good luck



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