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Boy have i messed up....

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Hiyaz, im new here, and of course I need some advice. I am into a 7 month relationship with the greatest woman, and I have messed up. I was marrried and had a successful business and was done really bad by my ex, long story short I gave up and lost everything I had. Then this wonderful woman I had known for a couple years and I began seeing each other. I hadnt dated for a year apart from my wife. I fell for her and she fell for me as well. We really click ya know. Well I was barely scraping by trying to put my business back togather, and we moved in togather. Her boss was very abusive and I told her to quit and I would take care of her. Mistake #1. I made a promise I couldnt keep, because I cant find a job that comes close to the 55-60 Gs a year i used to make. We are in financial trouble now and she has pulled away from me and I fear shes going to end the relationship. I should have taken a lower paying job and just lost sight in the worry of making enough to take care of her. (Oh yeah she is pregnant) I willl be taking one of those lower paying jobs this week but the problem is to her I broke a promise. which I did but not intentionally hopefully you get the picture. well to top things off I had promised her i wouldnt party while shes pregnant but I broke that promise too last night i broke over at my buds and drank a little. I have just been so stressed. when she asked me if i partied i told her yes a little bit. I wont lie to her but now shes sleeping on the couch.anyways shes on the coach now and i want her back in my bed. I know not to make promises I cant keep just didnt know at the time i wouldnt be able to keep them. Main thing is I want her happy again. I have apologized of course but she says im sorry doesnt change anything. Other than this I have never done her wrong. She has just turned the cold shoulder on me and I really feel its a little harsh but I do understand the financial strain. I just want to fix things and am hoping for some good advice on how to go about it. I love her so much, and she has been dishonest with me a couple times but I am forgiving and I dont know how forgiving she is because I havnt really pushed her until now. newayz thnx for any advice

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If you fear she's going to end the relationship, back off a little. This will take the pressure off.


And instead, take time to sort out your finances and job. With her pregnant, this has got to be your priority.

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