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Nine signs that she's just not that into you....for the BOYZ!


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31. Only gives you anal 3 times a week instead of 4.


32. Only greets you at the door with a blow job wearing her panties rather than being completely nude.

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OMG, How funny....and (sadly) true, too! :laugh:


I'll add:


16. Refuses to give oral sex...(big red flag guys if she previously couldn't get enough)

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Originally posted by alphamale

34. She is having sex with someone besides you :lmao:


And refers to you in public as "Mr Floppy"...

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good lord...


lets see..


1. HE is always with his friends, and doesnt make time for you.


2. your usually only attractive to him when your having sex, after the sex its back to friends.


3. looks at your boobs more than your face


4. tells you what you can and cant do


5. makes it a point to make you jelous


6. flirts with other girls while your around


7. he expects YOU to always call since your the girl


8. cant seem to think with the head between his shoulders...not his legs


9. always talks about his ex's


10 comes home with chicks numbers in his pockets


11 watches tv or something retarded when trying to be sexual


12. picks football or any sport over you


13 blows you off for his friends


14 b!tches at you for EVERYTHING you do


15 never compliments you


16 doesnt stand up for you


17 has mood swings from as*hole to fu*king as*hole


18 is never affectionate


19 calls you names


20 doesnt have respect for you


21 tells his buddys about sex last night with you


22 never pays attention when you talk


23 usually laughs at you, not with you


24 thinks that because he has a pencil peter that he can make all of the decisions for you and about you


blah blah blah it can go on and on and on...

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1. She tells you it's only about the sex, and that she's not your girlfriend or you her boyfriend.


2. She encourages you to meet new women.


3. She's always telling you about her dates with other guys.


But then, my friend, invites me over 4-5 nights a week, we go out, eat at home, etc. She wants to go to NYC for the weekend. One could say I'm getting very mixed signals.


Still, even a mixed signal relationship is better than none at all--especially after all kinds of sex is thrown into the mix. :)

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not really..it gets to your emotions after a while. I would rather have nothing then that.


True, the mixed signals are stressing me out. I am being worn down. I've never been in any "relationship" like this before.


I'm too old for this crap. :)

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OH my god.. you guys are hysterical.. :lmao:


Considering i'm pagan I'll add one for the list..


You find a voodoo doll that strangely resembles you hidden under the bed in a shoe box with pins jammed into the crocth area....



ok.. i admit i've done that one...LOL..





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"You find a voodoo doll that strangely resembles you hidden under the bed in a shoe box with pins jammed into the crocth area....



ok.. i admit i've done that one...LOL.."


Note to self, stay away from DacaInaru.

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Originally posted by DacaInaru

OH my god.. you guys are hysterical.. :lmao:


Considering i'm pagan I'll add one for the list..


You find a voodoo doll that strangely resembles you hidden under the bed in a shoe box with pins jammed into the crocth area....



ok.. i admit i've done that one...LOL..








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ill add two...


takes you to a club and asks YOU to buy the guy over there a drink, and say its from HER..


she asks u to put in a good word with the guy your best friends and see if hes into her

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Originally posted by Syncerity

ill add two...


takes you to a club and asks YOU to buy the guy over there a drink, and say its from HER..


If a girl did this to me, I'd buy a drink and dump it on her head.

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Originally posted by alphamale


3. She avoids eye contact and physical closeness.


I avoid his eye contact b/c his eyes are piercing... and he gives me complete eye contact - all the time... and it's a little uncomfortable to meet his eyes continually, b/c his look is just intense...


Also, I don't want to start staring at him.. and I avoid physical closeness... b/c I don't like to interfere in personal space... and I don't want to feel like I'm intruding into his world..


But, I did touch him first..

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Originally posted by Numb

19. Has sex with your freinds and tells you about it. :eek:


Damn - there are some vicious girls out there...

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  • 2 weeks later...

36. She always all of a sudden "doesn't feel well and doesn't want to go out, would rather stay home and veg, watch TV or sleep...Alone.


37. Purposely pisses you off, picking fights with you so she can turn it around on YOU.


38. Picks up really gross habits and becomes a slob.


39. She does the opposite of what you want her to do or say.


40. Picks her nose constantly. (see #38)

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A Fly onThe Wall

When getting ready to have sex she says do you have to go down on me ? Can't you just put it in and get it over with ?

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Originally posted by alphamale

4. She mentions other guys she finds "hot" or attractive.


I guess my girlfriend of 3 years isn't attracted to me (or I to her, if it works the other way too), since she (and I) have been doing that from the start. :D

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  • 3 months later...

41) says "u r like my brother"


42) says "where have all the decent men gone?" (when u r standing right next to her)



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Has sex with your friends IN FRONT of you!!!!!!! Double eeeeeeks


She has a gang-bang in front of you and tells you "gosh will i ever meet a nice guy?" :p

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