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Boyfriend problem


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My boyfriend and I engage in sexual activiets 2 or 3 times a week. We are both 25. However, my boyfriend does not orgasm more than once a week. He believes that orgasm drains out energy out of men, so he only limits the amount of times he orgasms (ejaculates?) to one. Other than that he just pleases me, and claims that he builds up energy every time he has sex with me, we don't use any sort of protection, because he believes condoms will not transfer bio-electric energy between partners. He is weird, he has read many of the ancient taoist love making literature. FIne by me, but I am so confused, I just wanted to ask on these board, how many of you have heard of this kind of practice before??


He seems to hold of for at least 40-50 minutes while I am having multiple orgasms, he has none, or has them internally, I have no clue. He does not like blow jobs, and drinks some herbal medicines also.


Is this normal???

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Normal, schmormal...who cares!


Hey, if he doesn't want to orgasm, that's his loss.


You should have two main concerns - pregnancy and STDs.


Are you using any kind of birth control? Talk about sapping someone's energy. Having a child will drain YOUR energy and your bank account. What does he think about that!


Have you or he ever been tested for STDs? Using a condom can offer some degree of protection against STDs. Even though you have been having intercourse with him without using condoms, at least you will know if you have something or not.


Other than that, the best thing you can do is get the name of those books he has been reading and post them on this site. I'm sure there are a lot of women and men that would like some insight on his technique.

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It's not necessarily normal but why the hell are you complaining? Do you have any idea how many women would love a guy who lasts 50 minutes and gives them multiple orgasms???


If this guy wants to ejaculate every ten years and still makes you happy, what's it to you? He seems to be fine with it.


Frankly, orgasm does wonders for me but I'm not into that ancient taoist love literature crap. I like the modern, gigantic, euphoric, glorious, BIG "O".


If your boyfriend wants to do his thing according to his readings, more power to him. And if he can last 50 minutes and not be drained, orgasm or not, I think he's doing damned GREAT!!! I'd prefer to go 15 minutes and have a wonderfully draining orgasm...but to each his own.


So what's the problem here?


Go out and have a beer and some herbal medicine and celebrate this guy. You got a winner here, sexually anyway.

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hi lillian,


i don't mean to sound selfish here, but what i would give for a loving boyfriend who can go 40-50 mins without orgasming, while in the meantime, i have multiple!!!


what a tresaure! while many would believe his ideas are a bit strange, i say each to their own. i have never heard of this practice before, but i won't complain if my next boyfriend thinks like your boyfriend. he has such control.


as for the condom issue, as long as you are in a completely monogomous relationship, are std free and are using some other form of contraception to ward off the pitter-patter of tiny feet, then i don't see a problem with this.


enjoy the energy is creating for YOU!!!


p.s. errr, does he have a brother?? lol.

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My boyfriend and I engage in sexual activiets 2 or 3 times a week. We are both 25. However, my boyfriend does not orgasm more than once a week. He believes that orgasm drains out energy out of men, so he only limits the amount of times he orgasms (ejaculates?) to one. Other than that he just pleases me, and claims that he builds up energy every time he has sex with me, we don't use any sort of protection, because he believes condoms will not transfer bio-electric energy between partners. He is weird, he has read many of the ancient taoist love making literature. FIne by me, but I am so confused, I just wanted to ask on these board, how many of you have heard of this kind of practice before??


Yes, I've heard that ejaculation drains male energy, but I had an athlete for a lover once who used to come about four times every time we had sex. He needed to have sex for extra energy.

He seems to hold of for at least 40-50 minutes while I am having multiple orgasms, he has none, or has them internally, I have no clue. He does not like blow jobs, and drinks some herbal medicines also.


This other guy I was with who said it drains energy (he practiced yoga and meditation) also didn't like blowjobs.

Is this normal???


I think it is a bit strange, but then if you're getting multiple orgasms I wouldn't complain

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