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my best friend freaked out after we kissed how can i win him back again???

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Hello all :o

This is my first time in this website and i have no idea how is this exactly work. But i just though in the situation that I’m dealing with right now this could be a good help.

The story is i meet a guy 4 years ago and we start dating for a month and he suddenly disappear. After 7 months he called me and he explained that he went back to his ex and they broke up again and he is truly sorry for what he did to me. So we decided to start it as being good friends .so he talked about his relationship and i talked about my relationships we continued like this for 3 years and we both knew that we still have feeling for each other but non of us talked about it. Because he was still in love with his ex. and the sad part is his ex was cheating on him all the years that they have been toghter.

About 4 months ago we became more and more closer and one day we kissed but we both react because we were worry for our friendship. And unfortunately he freak-ed out more and his attitude changed completely. he didn't call me as he used to and he didn't want hang out because he think he is not in a good stage for having a serious relationship and he is going to hurt me if we become more than a friend.

this situation is unbelievably hard for me because first i love him so much and second its hard to see my best friend acting this weird . The thing is I can’t see him to dating another girl. and he keep telling me that its hard for him to see me dating with another guys too and that’s why he doesn't want to hangout with me like we use to do.

i tried to ignore him when he call or not seeing him .but its a big shock for me. i need some help because if he like me why he want to date other girls ??he knew me for 4 years. He tell me he hang out with me again when he can see me as a friend again. but it is not possible we try it for 3 yrs and it didn’t work out!!!! And I don’t want him as a friend I like him so much that its hard to feel that way again. what is wrong?? He tells me that I make him feel relax and confidence and i’m the only girl that he can really trust!!so what the hell is the problem??? Commitment??? and what should I do??should I go and never come back because this is the 2nd time he does this???please help

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John Charles

leave the ungrateful person


whatever you do---- do NOT! give him an ultimatum. "love me or im gone"-----no!----- he'll be cornerd and youll send him a signal that you are trying to control him when he cant really control himself.


sounds like hes really confused. he needs to sort this out himself, whether it is playing golf or dating other woman. so let him figure out that if you ARE one in a million, and he IS STUPID.


dont worry it will settle, you cant force it. in the mean time, you should have your fun and... go out and date, good stuff!, movies, party, GOLF!!! blah blah lifes too short, you might even find someone worthwhile and wants to deserve you.


good luck

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Yup. He definitely sounds confused.


Although you do too - a best friend who is also a "potential" is a recipe for disaster IMO. Especially since it sounds like he only wants you as a friend.


If you still want him as a best friend, you're gonna have to kill the romance thing. Otherwise you'll be hanging around him all the time like a puppy dog. Take a couple of months off him and tell him you need to cool things to go back to friendship.

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ooooooooooo guys i seriously appreciate your advices. it feels so good when u see people care without knowing you.


We decided to see each other and talk about it face to face like two adult not a kids to play a game with ignoring each other. But I’m not sure if it’s a right thing to do!!!! what we going to say???? :eek:

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