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Ah...so relieved

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I don't know if any of you will remember, but about 1 1/2 months ago I posted a message about a humiliating drunk dial that I made to a guy I liked, who happened to live on the other side of the country.


Well, I didn't take most of your advice. (Sorry, Tony.) I didn't call him and apologize. I felt so stupid that I couldn't do it. I was cringing for weeks after it happened, and by then I felt stupid calling. He never called me back. (Not like I expected him to.)


I am going to be moving to his city in about a month to start grad school (not because of him, but because I got a hefty scholarship, it's a good program at this particular school, and a variety of other reasons that don't include him.)


One of my good friends is married to one of his good friends. Through my friend, I recently found out that he thought my call was 'hilarious' and he didn't call me back because I lived too far away. (In his words 'It really sucks that she lives so far away.')


His friend (my friend's husband) mentioned that I was moving to his city, and his response was 'That's so cool.'


So, I guess he didn't hold my stupid call against me, and he didn't call for the reasons why I thought he didn't call. (The distance thing. And believe me, I wasn't looking to start a long distance relationship or anything. I just really liked him, more than I've liked any guy in a really long time.)


So, WHEW! I feel so much better now that I just had to share.


And I do believe I will give him a call once I get to his city and get settled. He is, thankfully, still available. (I actually might see him before that, in a couple of weeks, if I head back 'home' for a weekend trip with my friends that he's going on also. But with work and other moving concerns I don't know if I'll make it. I really want to go, but not because of him. Although it certainly doesn't hurt matters that he's going to be there.)


We'll see...I'll keep you posted if anyone is interested.

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Sounds good to me.


I do so many dumb things myself it would be a very timely process to apologize all the time.


Hope things work out for you in your new city.

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hi clia,


it's good to hear he thought it was hilarious. i remember your post and to be honest, i got quite a chuckle out of it. i've made a few drunk calls myself and received some, and 9 times out of 10, they are hilarious.


good luck with this guy, clia....this call could have been just the ice-breaker you needed :)

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