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having a problem with a girl,wat should i do

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Hi...i had a problem with a girl that i love & i think she isnt loving me any more,& i think i dont have any chances 2 be her frnd,so wat should i have 2 do.....first,my frnd gave me her phone num. so i tried 2 call her many times & she answered,then i sent messages...after that my frnd called her at her home phone,& her brother answered so i gave the phone 4 my frnd & he talked with him...then she thinks that i have done this 4 her...& she started 2 hate me..this problem started before 3 weeks ago...& i dont know wat i have 2 do

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Is she your girlfriend or just someone you're chasing? If she is your girlfriend then maybe she is wanting a bit of space. YOU should be talking to her direct though to sort it out, NOT your friends.


If she is not your girlfriend, then she may not be interested, and if you keep bugging her then you are only going to make her hate you more. Not only that but she could file charges against you. Be careful.

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Originally posted by ameroni

Hi...i had a problem with a girl that i love & i think she isnt loving me any more,& i think i dont have any chances 2 be her frnd,so wat should i have 2 do.....first,my frnd gave me her phone num. so i tried 2 call her many times & she answered,then i sent messages...after that my frnd called her at her home phone,& her brother answered so i gave the phone 4 my frnd & he talked with him...then she thinks that i have done this 4 her...& she started 2 hate me..this problem started before 3 weeks ago...& i dont know wat i have 2 do

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well the question u should be asking your self is y is she not loving u anymore. hey im a girl and i have went thro this wit a guy. but it is that sshe cu've been just going out wit u so she will have a bf.but get her things like flowers jewerly stuff like that take her on a date let her fall bak in love wit u just don't go to far kiss her and tell her how MUCH u love her.

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