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Been a while

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Hey guys, hope everyone is the best person thay can be today, and remember what makes us great is doing the right thing on a difficult day.


Its been a while and I really feel like writing my feelings and if anyone is intrerested to read, then great, to offer advice or reflectin, then even better!!\


I broke with my ex girl almost 2 years ago now, although the first year we still spent every weekend together and went on holiday and stuff, actualy it ws torture becasue i felt like I really loved her but if I admitted it I would lose her again.


Anyway I guess we left it last on bad terms. We hooked up again and we spent the weekend together in a hotel room but she didnt know i still loved her, or maybe she even did and she just acted ignorant to it.


Anyway this summer I have been working in Europe in holiday resorts, bar-tending and promoting. I have been well into the thick of the 'sex-tourism' industry and I must say this year even though heart-broken, I have slept with the most beautiful womn I ever have. I have even been turning girls down, its been fantastic and also I have met some really great friends Iv loved hanging out with from all over the world which has opened up all sorts of oppertunities.


However all season, I have not been able to forget my ex who is not even a high quality girl. I didnt prticulary want her when we were together. I loved her but never sw myself with her for life. I cant get her out my head, I think of her day and night all the time and sometimes it makes me happpy, sad, angry pretty much ****s me up.


Anyway in a month I am moving to Germany to start work at a friends business. However I must stop by back home first. I have just booked a flight for next week. I am scared.


This ex of mine is now with my friend. I found out about a month ago and was really md, but hey what can you do right. Somebody told me about it and I didnt beleive them so I checked fcebook and this 'friend' hd deleted me as a friend and his profile pic was my ex and him. What a snake right? a mouse in fact, he couldnt right me to say what was happeneing. So i dont know what to do,

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There's nothing to do but stay on your path.


In a strange sort of way, your friend has done you a favor. Had you not found out that they were together, you would very likely have succumbed to contacting her & been back at square one.


I know it hurts, but them being together has nothing to do with you unless you make it about you. As they say, "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"


Stay strong & rise above.


Enjoy your new life in Germany!

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You'll never get over her and move on if you keep having ANY contact w/her. It all needs to stop. No spying on social media. No check in texts, NOTHING.. Out of sight, out of mind.


As time passes, she'll slip from the front of your mind to the back of your mind. When you meet someone that you want to date and have a R/S with, it will close that chapter of your life. You may still think about her but they will just be fleeting thoughts that pass rapidly.

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