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To Much To Ask?

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What is the reasonable amount of work that a teenager between 14-16 should do around the house?

I mean like housework and things like that. And what are you supposed to do when your parents make you feel guilty all the time? How do you get pass guilt?


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Whats reasonable to one may not seem reasonable to another, so it's a tough call to make..


However, when I was living at home at that age my parents expected me to help out around the house this included but wasn't limited to laundry, dishes, yard work, keeping my own room neat and picked up.


I have 2 Wee Peeps a lot younger than that.. they are 5 and 7 and I still insist my Kiddo's pick up their toys, put dirty clothes in the hamper, dirty dishes in the dishwasher...


IMO it isn't unreasonable...

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