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a PROBlem which may get 2 many of us

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Hi...i had a problem with a girl that i love & i think she isnt loving me any more(i think she didnt love me from 1st time we met,but she was just a class mate 2 me),& i think i dont have any chances 2 be her frnd,so wat should i have 2 do.....first,my frnd gave me her phone num. so i tried 2 call her many times & she answered,then i sent messages...after that my frnd called her at her home phone,& her brother answered so i gave the phone 4 my frnd & he talked with him...then she thinks that i have done this 4 her...& she started 2 hate me..this problem started before 3 weeks ago...& i dont know wat i have 2 do ......i think i have 2 send her a message but i dont know wat 2 write 2 her,cause she maybe hate me more & more..so plz help me!!! i must solve all problems bt. us but i think she dont want...




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Let me see if I read this right (and seriously, that hurt to read).


You're in love with a girl who you have class with. Thinking she must be in love with you too, you got her number from a friend and called her many times. Did you talk to her? Did you just hang up? What went on?


Then you sent her messages. Then your friend called her and talked to her brother. And all of this calling and texting was done without her ever giving you her number.


Now she's angry and "hates you" and you think that she probably never loved you. Right? Well, you're probably right that she didn't love you. If she did, you wouldn't have had to get her number from a friend. Calling and texting her without her giving you her number is just plain creepy, especially if you two don't talk a lot in class.


You could have played this right and gotten her to go out with you if you'd approached her in person and gotten her number yourself before you called, then called once to ask her out. Univited calls or texts are a complete turn-off, and so is calling too frequently.


Sorry, but there's really nothing you can do to remedy the situation, because any further attempt to contact her on your part will only give her a worse impression of you and make you look all the more creepy. You can't undo the damage you've done. The only thing you can do is stop calling her, sending her messages, etc. and move on.

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Originally posted by ameroni

Hi...i had a problem with a girl that i love & i think she isnt loving me any more(i think she didnt love me from 1st time we met,but she was just a class mate 2 me),& i think i dont have any chances 2 be her frnd,so wat should i have 2 do.....first,my frnd gave me her phone num. so i tried 2 call her many times & she answered,then i sent messages...after that my frnd called her at her home phone,& her brother answered so i gave the phone 4 my frnd & he talked with him...then she thinks that i have done this 4 her...& she started 2 hate me..this problem started before 3 weeks ago...& i dont know wat i have 2 do ......i think i have 2 send her a message but i dont know wat 2 write 2 her,cause she maybe hate me more & more..so plz help me!!! i must solve all problems bt. us but i think she dont want...





Well all i can say is, no offense, but the way you went about this sounds creepy. i mean you didn't get the phone number yourself a friend gave it to you. If you stil want to rekindle this relationship i would definately start with a long apology and see how it goes from there. If she still rejects this i would just drop it. There were definately better ways to go about talking to her at the beginning of this issue.

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