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What's a fag hag?

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A fag hag is a nice rhyme. You could maybe write some poetry with it.


A fag is sort of a nasty reference to a person who is gay and not a nice word to use. A hag is a word used to insult someone's overall demeanor...it has no specific meaning other than as a general put down.


So deductively, you could say that a fag hag is a pretty poor excuse for a homosexual or gay person. But most gays are very nice so a fag hag would be rare indeed and someone you might want to get to know better...because you may never have one pass your way again.


If you've met one, be nice to him/her/it.

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a word that Tony doesn't know, because it's from the "younger" generation. lol. (it's been a while since we traded shots, Tony.)

A "fag hag" is a woman who hangs around alot with homosexual men. Many gay men that I know have alot of close female friends. So..."Fag Hag" refers to these women who like to hang around, platonically, with these men.



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A "fag hag" is a woman who hangs around alot with homosexual men. Many gay men that I know have alot of close female friends. So..."Fag Hag" refers to these women who like to hang around, platonically, with these men. Paulie


Paulie's got it. Sometimes fag hags also mean women who are attracted to gay men.

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That's a woman, usually an unattractive/ overweight woman, who hangs around gay men. Some hope to turn the gay men straight. Some just like the company of gay men.

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