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body language vs words

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This guy I work with has been sending me mixed signals since we met. His body language says he's into me (and so does my intuition), and my body langage reciprocates (sometimes unconsciously, sometimes, strategically performed :p)


BUT his conversation outside of the office revolves around how much fun his new single life is (he's divorced) and how he is suddenly being hit on by women.


What do you think is going on?

a. he's boasting to test me, to see if i'm turned on.

b. he's just not that into me and he's talking to me as if i were one more of his buddies.

c. I should cut the crap and ask him out.


Other options are welcome.

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He's probably into you, but it doesn't sound like he is going to rule out other women he might be interested in.

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He might be bragging around that other women have interest in him. Talking about how good it feels to be single probably means he doesn't want a serious relationship right now. But you never know. He may fall in love with you.

Keep in mind that some women had been into guys from work and the whole thing ended by having sex with them only once. It creates a very uncomfortable situation afterwards so don't jump too fast in his bed. And don't flirt too hard! ;)

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My vote would go to "no he's not into you in particular, he's into his new single life!" He is playing right now. I wouldn't waste my time on him unless just playing was what I wanted. If that works for you, go for it! But if you are looking for something commited or long term, pass him up.

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Since his divorce, he's having lots of fun flirting with ALL the girls...he's loving the attention.


He's not taking any of it seriously though.


Plus - as I've always maintained : it's a very bad idea to date a co-worker.

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body language is a much more accurate indicator than the spoken word. mainly cause body language is mostly unconcious and can only be controlled conciously for a short period of time.


Positive body language + positive intuition = almost a sure thing :laugh:

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Originally posted by alphamale

body language is a much more accurate indicator than the spoken word. mainly cause body language is mostly unconcious and can only be controlled conciously for a short period of time.


Positive body language + positive intuition = almost a sure thing :laugh:


Exactly. I think he's into you, but wants to sound cool and as if he has lots of options. I suspect those options will evaporate if you invite him for a coffee or lunch...


But if they don't, watch out.

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Into her as in would like to screw her or he's having a crush on her? Those two differ especially given that they work together. I don't think she wants to sleep with him once and that's all.

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