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Would you seriously date/marry a bisexual person?

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I think if one were inclined to cheat, they would cheat regardless of whether they were straight, bi, gay or trans.


Being bisexual only means he/she is capable of becoming sexually attracted to, and developing RLs with, BOTH men and women.


Lucky them they have more options to choose from! :p


It has nothing to do with their morality or integrity as a human being.


Once committed, he/she is just as capable of being faithful as a straight person (or gay or trans).

Edited by katiegrl
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I would not...


And it's not because I'm discriminating against anyone and/or labeling them a cheater.


But from what I've seen, it seems like people who consider themselves bisexual are laxed in their view of relationships. In other words, what you may consider "cheating", they consider "polyamorous" and/or they have a "right" to exercise their choices in other both sides - even when it results in them messing around.


I mean for years there's people who get into heterosexual marriages and have children when they darn well know that they are open to having sex with someone of the same sex too. Then one day they wanna abandon their family and/or kids cuz they allege they were being "oppressed" all these years. Then, like the "downlow" stories, some people when they cheat with someone of the same sex don't consider it an issue cuz they compartamentalize it.


So, my other reason is that I want to know where I stand with someone. If they consider themselves "bisexual", then now I gotta worry about competition from guys for my guy...then, I gotta worry if he's really gay but in denial. It's the same thing that I deal with when dating caucasian guys...I try to date those who are open to dating ethnic women, so I can be sure that he's into women like me and isn't dating me as an experiment, curiousity, etc...and, that one day some caucasian chick is gonna roll around and he'll dump me to have something serious with her cuz all along he preferred caucasian women.

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Did and would do it again. Being bisexual doesn't mean they are any more likely to cheat than anyone else. Most gays claim to be het when they're closeted not bisexual. There's a certain stigma to bi that few people want to admit to.

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Anyone of any sexual orientation can cheat, not just bisexuals. As for competition? I don't view men to be more or less dangerous than women, because again, people of any sexual orientation can cheat on you with any gender.


You're no less safe than when you are in a gay or heterosexual relationship when it comes to cheating. It's no different than being promiscuous because gay, straight and bi people can do that too. They're called stereotypes for a reason..

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No, I wouldn't. It would be a turn off for me. I like men who are all men. I'm not trying to insult anyone I'm just being honest about how I feel.


I read a bio on the actress Greta Garbo who was reportedly bisexual. She was supposed to have claimed that when she was with a man she wanted to be with a woman and vice versa and it was ultimately for this reason that she ended up alone. I've known some bisexual men... they're in their 30's and 40;s and have never married. I always think of what I read and I wonder if it pertains to them also...

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I'll add to my earlier comment as this question brings something to mind... do any of you know the story of the actress Tippi Hedren and her experiences working with Alfred Hitchcock back in the 60's... he became obsessed with her and stalked her and all that. I had the same experience with a boss of mine... he developed this very weird stalker type obsession with me and what made it even more strange, was that he was said to be GAY... boy was I surprised, and of course came to the conclusion after he put me through hell that he wasn't gay but bisexual...


I don't know why I'm telling this story except it freaked me out so much.... little did I expect a reportedly gay man to develop an obsession with me, a female. I like to know where someone stands... life is complicated enough. And I don't like surprises.


(He was also fat like Hitchcock, only in my case, 9 years younger.)

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No, I wouldn't. It would be a turn off for me. I like men who are all men. I'm not trying to insult anyone I'm just being honest about how I feel.


I read a bio on the actress Greta Garbo who was reportedly bisexual. She was supposed to have claimed that when she was with a man she wanted to be with a woman and vice versa and it was ultimately for this reason that she ended up alone. I've known some bisexual men... they're in their 30's and 40;s and have never married. I always think of what I read and I wonder if it pertains to them also...


Being bi can be a spectrum. Most bisexuals are not attracted 50/50 to both genders.


We have people who post on here who I believe are probably closer to lesbian/gay and other here who are closer to hetero. I'm closer to hetero. I really enjoy sex with men. Long term I need to be with a man sexually in some way. But I also find women beautiful and if I come across the opportunity I'll probably take it.

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Being bi can be a spectrum. Most bisexuals are not attracted 50/50 to both genders.


We have people who post on here who I believe are probably closer to lesbian/gay and other here who are closer to hetero. I'm closer to hetero. I really enjoy sex with men. Long term I need to be with a man sexually in some way. But I also find women beautiful and if I come across the opportunity I'll probably take it.




When you have a male-to-female transsexual who is into women and dominant to men, it makes you wonder if any of this is relevant anymore.


It's probably a bit naive to assume anyone you meet is definitely straight or gay or where they fit on that spectrum determines anything about their character.

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Eternal Sunshine

No I wouldn't.


I believe in the saying "Bisexual women tend to end up with men. Bisexual men also tend to end up with men."


I think a man that is attracted to other men is always going to have a craving that a woman can't satisfy. Not saying such relationships are impossible or bi men are cheaters but there in an extra layer of difficulty in making it work long term. I have many gay and bi male friends. Bi men struggle in hetero relationships and many are in formal relationships with women because of the social stigma.

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I as a man personally wouldn't mind a bi. When it comes to women I tend to think of relationships with them in a more spiritual manner than sexual, so this may make the bi trait more acceptable.

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I agree about the cheating. Anyone can cheat... it's a non issue, here. Cheating has nothing to do with sexual orientation it has everything to do with the kind of person you are and the relationship you have with yourself.

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No, wouldn't date a bi. Not because I thought they'd cheat, though. Just want to be with a man you only likes women. It would be a turn off to think my man would have sex with another man. Also, want to know as a woman I have everything my man wants, that there is nothing I can't give him that someone else could.


Also, am attracted to people who have strong boundaries for platonic friends, male or female, or for boyfriends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No issues with it personally. If someone is going to cheat on you, it doesn't matter whether they cheat with a guy or a girl. Besides, tbh, sexuality is a spectrum, not binary - the majority of people have some 'bisexuality' in them, even if they're 99.9% hetero.


Sure there are women who get burned by dating a bisexual person who eventually dumps them/cheats on them because they 'want to date men', but similarly there are women who get burned by a guy who cheats/leaves because he wants to 'sow his wild oats'. (And vice versa, if you reverse the genders). No difference there.

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I don't see it as being a big deal, as long as they were willing to commit to an monogamous relationship.




My wife is bisexual and I am almost 20 years married to her... Never had a problem with it... I don't really get the question...

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