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Moving in after wedding

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devilish innocent

Don't people typically say that you shouldn't get married until he's seen you without your make-up on? It seems like "Don't get married until you've seen somebody's house without them having had time to clean it first" should be the corollary to that.

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Both options are problematic.


The first is not sustainable long-term. Working like a madman...hiring professionals to clean...etc. Then what? He sinks back into a life of sloth and laziness as soon as the deadline is past? OP, please look carefully at what you would be signing up for with this guy.


As far as the second, how interested can a guy really be in a lifetime commitment if he keeps postponing the wedding? He's stalling.


If he picks the first option at least she knows he's serious. Furthermore it gives her some confidence that she can in future insist on something being done and have a chance of actually getting it done. It shows that he does have some drive to achieve things when he really has to.


If he picks the second it shows he is either not serious about getting married, lazy or a chronic procrastinator. She then knows it is time to walk away.


On no account should she sort out the house herself. It is his responsibility to provide a habitable home for wife and future family. Sure, if he's made a reasonable effort and got it into a half-decent state so she can move in then by all means she can clean it to proper female standards afterwards. But he needs to show he can at least get it sorted to a minimum standard she can accept.

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