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Old Classmates! Post: 1 | Quote:


So.. I was at work today and I saw this GORGEOUS girl walking around (I work in retail- clothes so I'm lucky to be in a place I see/help many many beautiful women shopping lol).


I had to check her out lol.. so I did- while REALLY doing my work I walked past her- at a distance hanging the thing sI needed to be doing but glancing at her.. lo and behold she looked REALLY familiar to a girl I used to think was cute in middle school thru high school. (my 10 year reunion should be next year).


She hadn't changed a lot... but its the just changes that happen as a woman gets older- more mature, handles herself better, dresses better etc... in any case she looked beautiful.


But.. I am seeing quite a few old high school peeps I knew- in the last few months... I say hi to some, some say hi to me... some I dont say hi (either cause I just KNEW them (I had a class of 700)) too.


This girl I didnt say Hi to...... lol.... but I asked one of my cashiers to just notice their name on thier license when checking their ID. It didnt end up happening- but I'm pretty sure it was her...


SO.. question is.. what is a good way to approach someone who is an old class mate of yours... who you were and could still be attracted to? Should it just be the original- give my name- remember me? thing? or ask theirs and respond with you and I went to HS together etc?


or does anyone have more a more original take?

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